Liste von aus der SLOVAKEI Deportierten (ID: 21840)
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Title in English:
List of deportees from Slovakia
List is divided into three sections by location: BIRKENAU (subdivided into men and women), Lublin-Travníky, and Theresienstadt.
This first section (BIRKENAU) includes name, previous camp, name of transit camp they came from, and date of arrival at Birkenau.
The second second section includes name, previous residence, name of transit camp, and date of arrival.
The third section includes name, and a letter/number combination
This first section (BIRKENAU) includes name, previous camp, name of transit camp they came from, and date of arrival at Birkenau.
The second second section includes name, previous residence, name of transit camp, and date of arrival.
The third section includes name, and a letter/number combination
List Type:
List Organized By:
Current Location
Document Date:
Before 12 Apr 1943
Male and Female
Persecution Status:
Number of Persons (Exact):
Number of Pages (Exact):
Easily Legible Text
Document Format:
Typed Document
Place of Incarceration:
- Auschwitz II-Birkenau, Poland
- Theresienstadt [concentration camp], Czechoslovakia
- Trawniki [Lublin subcamp], Poland
- Sered [transit camp], Slovakia
- Sillein [transit camp], Slovakia
- Poprad [transit camp], Slovakia
- Michalovce [transit camp], Slovakia
- Trebišov [transit camp], Slovakia
- Nováky [transit camp], Slovakia
- Patronka [transit camp], Slovakia
- Harmense [Auschwitz subcamp], Poland
- Jawischowitz [Auschwitz subcamp], Poland
- Auschwitz III-Monowitz, Poland
Place From:
- Sered [transit camp], Slovakia
- Sillein [transit camp], Slovakia
- Poprad [transit camp], Slovakia
- Michalovce [transit camp], Slovakia
- Trebišov [transit camp], Slovakia
- Nováky [transit camp], Slovakia
- Patronka [transit camp], Slovakia
- Harmense [Auschwitz subcamp], Poland
- Jawischowitz [Auschwitz subcamp], Poland
- Auschwitz III-Monowitz, Poland
- Trawniki, Lublin, Poland
- Tomaszów, Puławski Powiat, Lubelskie Województwo, Poland
Place To:
- Trawniki [Lublin subcamp], Poland
- Theresienstadt [concentration camp], Czechoslovakia
- Auschwitz II-Birkenau, Poland
Each media file contains two scanned pages
- Concentration camp
- Transit camp
Compiling Agency: