Będzin (Bendin) Census of 1939 (ID: 20586)
Będzin, Poland (In Yiddish: "Bendin"; the Nazis renamed it "Bendsburg"). Located 38 miles west of Kraków, in the inter-war Polish province of Kielce. Before WWI, it was in Piotrków gubernia of the Kingdom of Poland of Russian Empire.
The Nazis entered Będzin on September 4, 1939. By April 1942, 6,500 young Jews from Będzin, Sosnowiec, and other nearby towns were forced to labor camps. Thousands of "non-productive" Jews were deported to Auschwitz. By August 7, 1942, 30,000 Jews from Będzin and Sosnowiec had been deported to Auschwitz. Deportees from Będzin played a large part in the uprising in Auschwitz.
This database contains the names, birthdates, street addresses and occupations of 22,167 Jews, enumerated in a 1939 census of the city of Będzin (Bendin), Poland.
The Nazis entered Będzin on September 4, 1939. By April 1942, 6,500 young Jews from Będzin, Sosnowiec, and other nearby towns were forced to labor camps. Thousands of "non-productive" Jews were deported to Auschwitz. By August 7, 1942, 30,000 Jews from Będzin and Sosnowiec had been deported to Auschwitz. Deportees from Będzin played a large part in the uprising in Auschwitz.
This database contains the names, birthdates, street addresses and occupations of 22,167 Jews, enumerated in a 1939 census of the city of Będzin (Bendin), Poland.
List Type:
S.A.I.D., inc.
Index Date:
- 27 Apr 1998
- 21 May 1998
- 16 Jun 1998
- 19 Oct 1998
Primary Source Document Date:
Event Date:
Male and Female
- English
- German
Persecution Status:
Number of Persons (Exact):
Current Location:
Bedzin, Poland
Place Transferred:
Auschwitz [Concentration camp], Poland
Created from information in USHMM Archives RG-15.060M; data shared with JewishGen