[Untitled list of internees from package thrown over the fence into Camp Voves] (ID: 20426)
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List was part of a package that was thrown from the road outside of Camp Voves into the camp in February 1943. The package was caught in the barbed wire, and recoved by camp authorities. Their description of the list is as follows:
"Une liste présentée sur feuille double format écolier portant 104 noms d'internés du camp de VOVES avec les renseignements suivants: Noms - observations - renseignements sur les antécédents politiques, le caractère, le tempérament, le degré de confiance. Cette feuille est sous No 5."
List of internees at Camp Voves with the following information: Name and comments (information on political background, character, temperment, and level of trust). Also includes age.
This list appears to have been a retyped version of the original.
"Une liste présentée sur feuille double format écolier portant 104 noms d'internés du camp de VOVES avec les renseignements suivants: Noms - observations - renseignements sur les antécédents politiques, le caractère, le tempérament, le degré de confiance. Cette feuille est sous No 5."
List of internees at Camp Voves with the following information: Name and comments (information on political background, character, temperment, and level of trust). Also includes age.
This list appears to have been a retyped version of the original.
List Type:
Inmate / prisoner list
List Organized By:
Event Date:
22 Feb 1943
Number of Persons (Exact):
Number of Pages (Exact):
Easily Legible Text
Document Format:
Typed Document
Current Location:
Voves, Eure-et-Loir département, France
Place of Incarceration:
Centre de Séjour Surveillé de Voves, France
Internment camp
Compiling Agency: