Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 13.Mai 1944. Namentliche Aufstellung der im Block 48 untergebrachten -57- Neuzugänge. Die Häftlinge 28407 und 28049 sind Block 55, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 17.5.44. Namentliche Aufstellung der im Block 52 untergebrachten -59- Neuzugänge:, Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 18.5.1944. Namentliche Aufstellung der im Block 52 untergebrachten -62- Neuzugänge: (ID: 15536)
Title (In English):
Supplement to the Report of Change Notice of May 13, 1944 List by Name of 57 New Arrivals held in Block 48. Prisoners 28407, and 28049 are already in Block 55, Supplement to the Report of Change Notice of 5/17/44 List by Name of 59 New Arrivals held in Block 52, Supplement to the Report of Change Notice of 5/18/1944 List by Name of 62 New Arrivals held in Block 52
List Organized By:
Prisoner Type
Generating Agency:
Concentration Camp Buchenwald
Document Date:
23 May 1944
Number of Persons (Exact):
- Polish
- Russian
Persecution Status:
- Criminal targets
- Jew
- Jehovah's Witness
- Ethnic targets (other)
Document Format:
Typed Document
Number of Pages (Exact):
Moderately Legible Text
Prisoners listed categorically by type, and by prisoner number in ascending order within prisoner type categories. Document consists of 3 lists.
NOTE: This list is on pages 2115-2116. PAGES APPEAR IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER ON THE FILM: 2014 (1st page)-2069, 3093-3201, 3092-2070 (last section of film is in reverse order).
NOTE: This list is on pages 2115-2116. PAGES APPEAR IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER ON THE FILM: 2014 (1st page)-2069, 3093-3201, 3092-2070 (last section of film is in reverse order).
Place To:
Buchenwald [concentration camp], Germany
Place of Persecution:
Buchenwald [concentration camp], Germany
- Concentration camp
- "Berufsverbrecher" (career criminal)
- "Schutzhäftling" (protective custody prisoner)
- "Zivilarbeiter" (civilian worker)