[Ravensbrück prisoners' list, title and cover sheet missing] (ID: 1461)
List Organized By:
Generating Agency:
Ravensbrueck Concentration Camp
Document Date:
Mar 1941
Number of Persons (Est.):
- Belgian
- Croatian
- Czech
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Albanian
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Russian
- Serbian
- Slovak
- Stateless
- Turk
- Ukrainian
- German ("volksdeutsch")
- Yugoslavian
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Political and ideological targets
- "Asocial" targets
- Criminal targets
- Romani
- Jehovah's Witness
- Homosexual
- Prisoners of War
Prisoner Number:
1 - 13490
Document Format:
Handwritten Document
Number of Pages (Est.):
Moderately Legible Text
NB: Both country of origin(?) and prisoner type are aggregated here under "Haftart."
Title page missing. "49" apparently was on the spine of this log.
A number of entries from 4306 onward list "S.V." in conjunction with a triangle (color unknown).
Increasing numbers of Jewish prisoners appear at end of list (ca. March 1945).
The list includes some SAW prisoners. The list also includes several dozen Par. 175 prisoners. There are scattered Jehovahs, including a concentration of them from ca. 3493-3693, 4957-4986, 5612-5631
The entries contain prisoner type or nationality, name, birthdate, and remarks (e.g., transferred or [dead]) with date stamp. In many cases one can determine where the prisoner was sent or release date.
The list continues after consecutive number 6300 and a list of camp abbreviations evidently used here.
Title page missing. "49" apparently was on the spine of this log.
A number of entries from 4306 onward list "S.V." in conjunction with a triangle (color unknown).
Increasing numbers of Jewish prisoners appear at end of list (ca. March 1945).
The list includes some SAW prisoners. The list also includes several dozen Par. 175 prisoners. There are scattered Jehovahs, including a concentration of them from ca. 3493-3693, 4957-4986, 5612-5631
The entries contain prisoner type or nationality, name, birthdate, and remarks (e.g., transferred or [dead]) with date stamp. In many cases one can determine where the prisoner was sent or release date.
The list continues after consecutive number 6300 and a list of camp abbreviations evidently used here.
Current Location:
Ravensbrück [concentration camp], Germany
- Concentration camp
- "Berufsverbrecher" (career criminal)
- Emigrant (prisoner)
- "Schutzhäftling" (protective custody prisoner)
- "Sicherungsverwahrt" (security detention)
Internal Number: