Veränderungsmeldung (ID: 1344)
Title (In English):
Notice of change
List Organized By:
Prisoner Type
Generating Agency:
Concentration Camp Buchenwald
Document Date:
24 Oct 1940
Number of Persons (Est.):
Persecution Status:
- Criminal targets
- Jew
- "Asocial" targets
- Jehovah's Witness
- Military targets
- Political and ideological targets
- Criminal targets
Document Format:
Typed and Handwritten
Number of Pages (Est.):
Moderately Legible Text
Page(s) on reel: 4321-4339
List of prisoners leaving and arriving. Prisoner numbers and block numbers listed. Prisoners listed by name. Prisoners listed as "wehruntüchtig". Prisoners deceased (2) also listed as leaving. Date of birth listed for deceased prisoners. Change of status of 1 prisoner listed with date of birth.
Enclosed is a transport list to KL Dachau of 371 prisoners. Prisoner numbers, names, date of birth and place of birth listed. List organized first by by ill and invalids an then by type of prisoner. List followed by several corrections and ammendments.
List follows on reel a related Konzentrationslager Buchenwald Effektenkammer document.
List of prisoners leaving and arriving. Prisoner numbers and block numbers listed. Prisoners listed by name. Prisoners listed as "wehruntüchtig". Prisoners deceased (2) also listed as leaving. Date of birth listed for deceased prisoners. Change of status of 1 prisoner listed with date of birth.
Enclosed is a transport list to KL Dachau of 371 prisoners. Prisoner numbers, names, date of birth and place of birth listed. List organized first by by ill and invalids an then by type of prisoner. List followed by several corrections and ammendments.
List follows on reel a related Konzentrationslager Buchenwald Effektenkammer document.
Place From:
Buchenwald [concentration camp], Germany
Place To:
Buchenwald [concentration camp], Germany
Place of Death:
Buchenwald [concentration camp], Germany
- Concentration camp
- "Arbeitsscheue Reich" (work shirker)
- "Ausweisungshäftling" (deportee)
- "Berufsverbrecher" (career criminal)
- Emigrant (prisoner)
- "Kriegsverbrecher" (war criminal)
- "Schutzhäftling" (protective custody prisoner)
- "Wehrmachtsangehöriger" (Wehrmact soldier)