Liste der Zugänge vom 25. Januar 1945 (5714 Häftlinge vom K.L. Auschwitz) (ID: 12393)
Title (In English):
List of arrivals for January 25, 1945 (5714 prisoners from Auschwitz concentration camp)
List Type:
- Transport
- Forced labor
List Organized By:
Prisoner Number
Generating Agency:
Concentration Camp Mauthausen, Schutzhaftlager
Document Date:
26 Jan 1945
Number of Persons (Exact):
- Belgian
- Bulgarian
- Croatian
- Czech
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Lithuanian
- Luxembourger
- American
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Russian
- Slovak
- Stateless
- Turk
- Yugoslavian
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Jehovah's Witness
- Racial targets (other)
- Military targets
- Homosexual
- Criminal targets
- Criminal targets
- Political and ideological targets
- Ethnic targets (other)
Prisoner Number:
116501 - 122214
Document Format:
Typed Document
Number of Pages (Est.):
Easily Legible Text
The list includes name, birthdate and -place, occupation, prisoner number, and type of prisoner.
Other nationality:
Slovenian (Jews) - 1
A few prisoner types are blurry. Not clear what DR-Ehr. means (running number 879). The list is unusual because it lists several "Misch." and "Halb-J" prisoners.
Prisoner 4087 (running number) is listed as a German "Judin," but name appears to be male.
There are crosses by after a few names (indicating death?).
The list is extremely diverse and includes a high percentage of Jewish prisoners in random order. It also includes a small handful of Jehovah's Witnesses and Par. 175 prisoners. Number 2636, 4990, and 5286 list "Usa J."
The list includes a handful of Turkish prisoners, esp. Turkish Jews.
Other nationality:
Slovenian (Jews) - 1
A few prisoner types are blurry. Not clear what DR-Ehr. means (running number 879). The list is unusual because it lists several "Misch." and "Halb-J" prisoners.
Prisoner 4087 (running number) is listed as a German "Judin," but name appears to be male.
There are crosses by after a few names (indicating death?).
The list is extremely diverse and includes a high percentage of Jewish prisoners in random order. It also includes a small handful of Jehovah's Witnesses and Par. 175 prisoners. Number 2636, 4990, and 5286 list "Usa J."
The list includes a handful of Turkish prisoners, esp. Turkish Jews.
Place From:
Auschwitz, Poland
Place To:
- "Berufsverbrecher" (career criminal)
- "Mischling" (mixed race)
- "Schutzhäftling" (protective custody prisoner)
- "Sicherungsverwahrt" (security detention)
- "Wehrmachtsangehöriger" (Wehrmact soldier)
- "Zivilhäftling" (civilian prisoner)