Displaying: 5,701 5,725 of 5,976 matches for “the netherlands”
5701. Ludwig and Johanne (nee Nathan) Joshua celebrate their golden wedding anniversary in their home in Copenhagen.
Hague on the coast. In May, 1940 Germany invaded The Netherlands. In 1941 the German occupiers decreed ... Copenhagen. They are surrounded by flowers and portraits of the their grandchildren. Johanna was born in ... Copenhagen. Her husband was born in Germany and they returned to Denmark to escape the Nazis. ... Henry Joshua is the son of Max Joshua born May 30, 1895 and Elisabeth (Elisheva) nee Eisenmann (b
5702. Jacob and Henry Joshua pose on board a boat taking them to St.
The Hague on the coast. In May, 1940 Germany invaded The Netherlands. In 1941 the German occupiers ... Yaakov Jehoshua (born Jacob Joshua) is the son of Max Joshua born May 30, 1895 and Elisabeth ... (Elishe Yaakov Jehoshua (born Jacob Joshua) is the son of Max Joshua born May 30, 1895 and Elisabeth ... large Orthodox, Dutch Jewish family; she was the youngest of eight siblings, all born in Antwerp. His
5703. Close-up portrait of Henry Joshua taken after his liberation from Biberach.
Hague on the coast. In May, 1940 Germany invaded The Netherlands. In 1941 the German occupiers decreed ... Henry Joshua is the son of Max Joshua born May 30, 1895 and Elisabeth (Elisheva) nee Eisenmann (b ... Henry Joshua is the son of Max Joshua born May 30, 1895 and Elisabeth (Elisheva) nee Eisenmann (b ... October 27, 1902). Henry's mother grew up in a large Orthodox, Dutch Jewish family; she was the youngest
5704. Morris Troper papers
their safe refuge in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, and France. Also included in the ... The collection consists of documents, correspondence, photographs, and clippings concerning the ... efforts of Morris Troper, European director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, in ... assisting more than 900 Jewish passengers aboard the MS St. Louis and his success in ultimately securing
5705. Silten/Teppich family collection
Berlin under the Third Reich, flight to the Netherlands in 1938, deportation from Amsterdam, and time in ... The collection consists of artifacts and documents relating to the experiences of Fritz and Ilse ... Silten and their family and friends in the Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp in Czechoslovakia during the ... Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.
5706. Sgt. Everett Steiger from Salem, Oregon and T/4 Joseph W.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Sgt. Everett Steiger from Salem, Oregon and T/4 Joseph W. Eaton relax on the bed that had belonged ... to Joseph Goebbels at Schloss Rheydt. It was moved into the hallway by the GI's who are now ... billeted in the castle and need his room.
5707. Joseph Eaton poses in his jeep while en route to Theresienstadt.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Joseph Eaton poses in his jeep while en route to Theresienstadt. He arranged the trip in the hope ... of finding surviving relatives. Original caption reads: "On the way to Terezin." ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler
5708. Postwar view of a rubble-strewn bombed out street in Nuremberg.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Postwar view of a rubble-strewn bombed out street in Nuremberg. The original caption reads: "Of ... the Essenweinstrasse not even the street is left." ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler
5709. UNRRA selected records AG-018-023 : Hungary Mission
The development of an UNRRA program for Hungary was delayed for some months after the assumption of ... control by the Allied Control Commission in March 1945. The early offers of assistance were rejected on ... the ground that there was no necessity for UNRRA aid in this ex-enemy country. By the beginning of ... 1946 the need was clearly evident, however, and in answer to a formal request from the Hungarian
5710. Major Bradford, Assistant MGO of Aachen, talks to Joseph W.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Major Bradford, Assistant MGO of Aachen, talks to Joseph W. Eaton about the governing of the city. ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... Josep Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler
5711. Portrait photograph by Judy Glickman of Danish fisherman who hid and ferried Jews to safety
The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish ... The collection consists of portrait photographs taken by Judith Ellis Glickman from 1992-1993 of ... through these efforts during the Holocaust. ... fisherman and rescuer. Jens met a large group of Jews at the train station and brought an old couple and
5712. UNRRA selected records AG-018-016 : Czechoslovakia Mission
The civil authorities of Czechoslovakia having, by agreement with the USSR in May 1944, taken over ... the administration of the country immediately on liberation, there was no intervening period of ... military administration. In February 1945 and agreement providing for aid, was signed by UNRRA and the ... supplementary agreement was abandoned. The UNRRA Mission to Czechoslovakia was established in Prague in June
5713. American Jewish soldier Joseph Eaton poses with Mr.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... American Jewish soldier Joseph Eaton poses with Mr. Potok, leader of the Jewish Concentration Camp ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... Josep Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler
5714. UNRRA selected records AG-018-006 : Balkan Mission and Middle East Office.
The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was an international relief ... agency representing 44 nations, but largely dominated by the United States. Founded in 1943, it became ... part of the United Nations (UN) in 1945, and it largely shut down operations in 1947. Its purpose was ... to "plan, co-ordinate, administer or arrange for the administration of measures for the relief of
5715. Joseph Eaton, an American soldier and German Jewish emigre inspects a sign on a destroyed building that reads, "Historically very valuable."
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... Josep Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... factory. He had two older brothers, Siegfried and Martin, and one younger brother, Herbert. The family
5716. Citizens of Aachen read Germany's first non-Nazi newspaper.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... Josep Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... factory. He had two older brothers, Siegfried and Martin, and one younger brother, Herbert. The family
5717. A soundtruck makes a news announcement in Viersen.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... Josep Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... factory. He had two older brothers, Siegfried and Martin, and one younger brother, Herbert. The family
5718. Joseph Eaton talks to a nurse at his childhood home, Fuerherstrasse 6 in Nuremberg, which became a civilian hospital.
and Flora Wechsler, succeeded in fleeing to the Netherlands from Germany, only to be arrested and ... Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... Josep Joseph Eaton (born Joseph Wechsler) is the son of Jacob and Flora (nee Goldschmidt) Wechsler ... factory. He had two older brothers, Siegfried and Martin, and one younger brother, Herbert. The family
5719. UNRRA selected records AG-018-017 : Denmark Mission
In May 1945 an UNRRA Liaison Officer was attached to the Headquarters of the liberating forces ... entering Denmark. In June a survey was made and in July 1945 the Mission was established, an agreement ... between UNRRA and the Danish Government being signed shortly afterwards. The main functions of the Mission ... in the early days were in connection with displaced persons and the recruitment of Danish personnel
5720. UNRRA selected records AG-018-024 : Luxembourg Mission
The government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg returned to the country in September 1944. The ... UNRRA Mission was established in October of that year. The government had requested UNRRA assistance ... with problems of health, welfare, and displaced persons, and the appointment of UNRRA liaison officers ... connection with this latter undertaking, however, the greater part of the Mission's work being devoted to the
5721. Hess and Spier families papers
the three of them left Germany for the Netherlands, and from there to Ecuador, where they remained for ... The collection consists of two typescript memoirs, photographs, and Hanukiah relating to the ... experiences of Walter Hess and Hannah Spier Hess and her family in Germany, Ecuador and the United States ... before, during, and after the Holocaust.
5722. Prayer book
Britain, France, and the Netherlands to admit the passengers rather than return them to Germany. Herbert ... The collection consists of correspondence and prayer books relating to the experiences of Herbert ... Karliner and his family who fled Germany on the ill-fated voyage of the MS St. Louis, were separated after ... his doctorate at the University of Berlin in 1836. He was appointed as a rabbi in Prague, Austo
5723. MS St. Louis captain's hat
Britain, France, and the Netherlands to admit the passengers rather than return them to Germany. Herbert ... Captain's hat worn by Captain Gustav Schröder of the MS St. Louis, captain of the ship on its ill ... few weeks later to Europe. The cap was given to Herbert Karliner, a twelve year old passenger on that ... in 1923, an older brother Walter, born on August 11, 1924, and a younger sister Ruth, born 1927. The
5724. Children's booklet, Blanche-neige et les septs nains, used by Manfred Weidhorn
older brother and two sisters. As a young man, Aron lived in the Hague, Netherlands for three years ... The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his parents Anne and ... Aron Weidhorn, including their flight from Vienna, Austria after the German-annexation of Austria in ... March 1938, Aron’s immigration to the United States in 1939, and Manfred and his mother’s immigration to
5725. Weidhorn family papers
older brother and two sisters. As a young man, Aron lived in the Hague, Netherlands for three years ... The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his parents Anne and ... Aron Weidhorn, including their flight from Vienna, Austria after the German-annexation of Austria in ... March 1938, Aron’s immigration to the United States in 1939, and Manfred and his mother’s immigration to