Displaying: 1 25 of 1,820 matches for “dp camps”
1. DP camps
DP Camps: Germany, 1946-47 ... Notes taken from NCJF documentation: The film provides a rare look inside DP camps, the crowded
2. Life in the DP Camps
Life in the displaced persons camps gave people hope, for the first time, since they left their ... at death’s door, many started to marry. In the camps, they made wedding dresses from any material -
3. [Feyen Camp DP list]
List of Displaced Persons from DP Camp Feyen compiled by the United Nations Relief and
4. D.P Camp Parsch
List of residents of the Parsch DP Camp in Austria. Includes quarters, name (either surname or ... Parsch (Displace Persons Camp)
5. Russian DP camp
addresses youthful DPs. MSs, civilian bearing bundles and packages arrive at camp gate. AVs, DP camp and ... DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS
6. DP camp in Austria
DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS ... Displaced Persons Camp
7. DP Camp HALSBACH French Zone
Displaced persons camps
8. JDC at Belsen DP Camp
Various activities at Belsen DP camp, occasional emphasis on JDC work. JDC cars in parking lot near ... DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS
9. Landsberg DP Camp conditions investigated
(Paris 429) Investigation of Jewish DP Camp, Landsberg, Germany, December 6, 1945. MS, train at ... DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS
10. May Day at DP camp
DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS ... Russians Celebrate May Day at DP Center, Bonn, Germany, May 1, 1945. MCUs, CUs, Russian musicians
11. May Day at DP camp
DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS ... (LIB 6186) Russian DP May Day Celebration, Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 1, 1945. Large group of
12. Frankfurt: food; DP camp Zeilsheim
a package of food. LS, building which is part of DP camp at Zeilsheim. SEQ: people rummaging through ... DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS
13. Landsberg DP Camp conditions investigated
(Paris 429) Investigation of Jewish DP Camp, Landsberg, Germany, December 6, 1945. MS, train at ... DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS
14. DP Camp BIBERACH UNRRA Team 35 French Zone.
List of displaced persons at Camp Biberach, categorized by last name, first name, birth date, and ... Displaced persons camps
15. Blanket used in a DP camp
Borenstein and their experiences while living at the Lampertheim DP Camp in Germany and their immigration to ... Blanket used by the Borenstein family while residing in Lampertheim DP Camp.
16. Pin from the Schlachtensee DP Camp
Pin and report card given to Regina Laks in the Schlachtensee DP camp. ... Pin given as going away gift upon departure from Schlachtensee DP Camp.
17. Zeilsheim DP Camp
Zeilsheim DP Camp -- Ephraim Mayer Robinson -- amateur ... Zeilsheim DP camp in October 1945.
18. DPs; curfew; rations; DP camp; laundry; children
potatoes. Camp for DPs, women hang wash on line, wash clothes, feed children and babies. CUs, DP children. ... DISPLACED PERSONS (DP) CAMPS
19. Songs recorded in Henonville DP camp
Spool 06. 22 min. Psychologist David Boder recorded interviews in displaced persons camps in France ... (USA 1926). Performed in Yiddish by Malka Rosenberg. 6. “Unser Lager steht am Waldesrande" (Our Camp ... Concentration Camp (Poland, ca. 1942). Performed in German by Gute Frank. This song is known from other
20. DP camp collection (RG VII-126)
Contains rare posters, flyers, communications, and reports originating from various DP camps ... mostly in Austria. Examples include reports from the DP camp Bergen-Belsen, 1946; flyers and reports from ... the Hashomer Hatzair Austria, 1947; election materials for DP camp leadership, Austria; writings and
21. [Displaced Persons at St. Marein DP Camp in Austria, who have family members residing in other UNRRA DP Camps]
UNRRA DP Camps] ... index number, name of person residing at other DP Camp, and relationship. ... Displaced persons camps
22. Coupon for 3 Marks issued at DP camp in Germany
Coupon for 3 Marks issued at a DP camp in Germany by the cooperative of the Jewish community. The ... Coupon for 3 Marks issued at a DP camp in Germany by the cooperative of the Jewish community. The
23. Hebrew typewriter used in a DP camp
displaced persons camp in Germany. ... Continental Hebrew typewriter used by Shlomo Garber in the displaced persons camp in Pocking
24. Green wool blanket received at postwar dp camp
Emden (Germany : Refugee camp) ... The collection consists of photographs taken at displaced persons camps in Schauenstein and
25. Leather wallet made by a concentration camp survivor in Landsberg DP camp
Landsberg am Lech (Displaced persons camp) ... Norman Naftali Zylberminc (later Silver) after the Holocaust in Landsberg displaced persons camp in