Holocaust Encyclopedia (WLC)

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December 16, 2010 05:58 PM

It’s sad to know that so many people (6 million+!) died during the Holocaust for such a stupid reason as a person wanting to create ‘the perfect race’. Anne Frank’s diary is very a touching and informative book. I am glad that her diary was found and shown to the world. Maybe we can learn from our past mistakes and not do something as horrid as the Holocaust again.
Guy Bouchard
December 15, 2010 11:02 AM


J'ai visité le US Holocaust Memorial Museum le 13 décembre 2010. Ce fut pour moi un moment intense: tant l'exposition permanente que l'architecture de l'immeuble ont contribué à faire de cette visite un instant de "transmission de valeurs".

La sobriété de l'exposition met en valeur la gravité du propos. En aucun temps, le musée ne verse dans le sensationnalisme ou dans le spectaculaire... et c'est tout à l'honneur des concepteurs.

Merci encore une fois pour le magnifique effort de mise en valeur d'un événement que nous ne devons pas oublier... afin qu'il ne se répète jamais.

Merci aussi aux personnes qui nous ont accueillies; nous nous sommes sentis réellement bienvenus.

Avec tout mon respect,

Guy Bouchard
Rivière-du-Loup, Québec, Canada
john portes
December 14, 2010 08:52 PM

Anne Frank’s diary has a multitude of important messages to the reader, but my favorite is the showing of courage. Through her writing, she shows that even through hard times she kept going. Even when she was shipped to a concentration camp, she never gave up on her hopes and dreams.Until Margot died Anne had been fighting her own battle with the disease, but when Margot died she slowly gave in. This is an inspiring thing too see a person on Death’s list still keep up a friendly, happy attitude.
November 10, 2010 08:52 AM

Hilter was a MONSTER and so were the soldiers that followed his orders. I can't understand how anyone could hate to the point of extermination of innocent lives!?

My heart and prayers are with all the families that suffered and still suffer because of it.

I am a firm believer that this should be taught in schools and not just discussed once a year, we owe them that.

God Bless all of you
November 02, 2010 10:19 AM

I hate how many people were killed in the holocaust. The Nazis were horrible people.
October 19, 2010 07:22 PM

I'm in 7th grade, and we are taking a quarter to learn about the Holocaust, we just finished reading Daniel's Story, and our project for the book is to pretend that you are in Holocaust, and write about your experince. The teacher said, but you have to use other Holocaust to make your story(like how the book was written, made up from diffent accounts from the Holocaust)but use them in your own words, not copy. And I came to this website to read the diffent accounts. And as I'm reading them, I'm realizing that the Jew went though Hell. And that no human being must leave in those under those conditions. I always knew that they went through bad things. But to actually read what real people went though, is unbelieveable. this website is great for students and kids my age to learn about the Holocaust
October 04, 2010 09:51 PM

My class is reading a book called Night by Elie Wiesel.. and its a good one
September 28, 2010 06:39 PM

The first time I read the Diary of Ann Frank when I was 10 I was appalled that people could do such things to others. However, it is not just Jews who suffered in the holocaust. One group that gets overlooked is Jehovah's Witnesses. The same things happened to them. But they could've gotten out of it just by denouncing their faith. Few of them did. To me that is amazing. Being faced with such horrendous torture and pain and probably death and still stick to your faith....I hope that our generation and the generations to come will have that same courage as the Jehovah's Witnesses did. They are an example of true courage.
Linda Critchley
September 21, 2010 12:07 PM

I cannot understand why the family of this josef mengele were able to send him money etc. run a business and keep in touch with him as he led the high life. His family should pay to survivors and their businesses taken away. How can they live with themselves. If it had been my dad I would have given him away as soon as I was aware of what he had done. He was never punished.
Don Salins
September 18, 2010 01:42 PM

My mother was born in Kamenets Padolski and left in 1919 with one brother. She left a mother and father and four sisters, who we assume were all killed by the Nazis in WWII.
My mother had six sons in that War in the 40's in this country....

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