Student Profile: Nacha Olembik

Gender: girl
School: School #4A

Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Nacha Alembik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Nacha Alenbik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Birth Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Ghetto Street Address:
Francis, 66
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Franzstrasse, 66A, 7
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Siegfriedstrasse, 18
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Siegfriedstrasse, 18, 2
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
User Comment:

In searching for Nacha's name, two variations of spelling of her last name came up--Alembik and Alenbik. While they had different years of birth, they were only within one year of each other and still within the right birthrange for her to have signed the album. 

One of Nacha's profiles said she lived at Franzstrasse (and Francis) and then moved to Sigfriedstrasse on March 2, 1942. Nacha's other profile indicates that she lived at Sigfriedstrasse and Franzstrasse, which allowed me to connect the dots and conclude that they are the same person.

Expert Reviewer Comment:
I agree that this is the person who most likely signed this name in the album. I agree that both records belong to the same girl. Thank you for listing the additional spelling of his name.
Approver Comment:
I agree that these records point to the same person, who is the most likely candidate to have signed this name in the album, even if we don't know which date of birth is hers. Did you find anything out in the next stages?


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Stage 2: The Ghetto
Mother's Name:
Estera Alembik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Estera Alenbik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Sibling's Names:
Szajndla Alembik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Szloma Alembik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Szajndla Alenbik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Szlame Srulame Alenbik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Szulames Alenbik
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Change of Address:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Death Date:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Source: Lodz Ghetto Hospital Records
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Place of Birth:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Hospital Records
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
Place of Death:
Source: Lodz Ghetto Hospital Records
Status: Submitted 12/6/2012; Confirmed | Researcher: mgsmallman
User Comment:

Death records for Nacha Alembik indicate that she died on September 20, 1942, of "Rippenfellerguss," which translates to pleural effusion (which, according to the US National Library of Medicine's website, is a buildup of fluid between the layers of tissue that line the lungs and chest cavity.)

There were two records (like Nacha) for the woman I have determined is Nacha's mother: Estera Alembik/Alenbik (b. 1904). On one record there is a note that says ANG 17.3.42, which could either be a) the date Estera switched addresses between Franzstrasse and Sigfriedstrasse, or b) a deportation date, as there were daily deportations to Chelmno during March 1942.

There were also two records for the girl who I presume to be Nacha's sister, Szajndla Alembik/Alenbik (the two records have different years of birth: 1931 and 1933). I would normally not assume that these records are the same person as they have varying addresses as well, except for the fact that the addresses correspond to Nacha's addresses. Szajndla has the same note as Estera (ANG 17.3.42), and, like with estera, it is unclear if this is a change of address date or a deportation date.

A potential brother, is Szloma Alembik/ Szlame Srulame Alenbik (b. 1939). Like Estera, Nacha, and Szajndla, the addresses on the two differing records also correspond. Also like Estera and Szajndla, the note of ANG 17.3.42 is not clearly indicative of either a deportation or an address change.

There is also a Szulames Alenbik, a girl born in 1939, who could possibly be Szloma/Szulame's twin? The 17.3.42 date is also present on her record.

Approver Comment:
Thank you for your excellent and very thorough research of Nacha's family, and for helping to complete her record.


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Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage


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Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage


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