Student Profile: Chaim Tajblam

Gender: boy
School: School #13B
Chaim Tajblam
Nov 17, 2011, 04:12:01 pm

After typing in Chaim Tajblam's name into the Children of the Lodz Ghetto Database, nothing came up. We tried different variations on the his name, including searches with names that sound like his first and last name. Still, there were no results. We decided to search the name Chaim, and other names that sound like Chaim, in the database just to see if we could find anything to start with. There were two names that seemed similar to Chaim Tajblam. These names were Chaim Taub and Chana Tajtelbaum. The database stated that Chaim Taub was a male born in 1894, which would make him old enough to be the father of Chaim Tajblam who was in School 13B (meaning he was probably borning sometime between 1926-1931). The ghetto address for Chaim Taub is Tal 21 3, so we looked on a map of the Lodz ghetto to see if that street was close to School 13B, which was located on Franzstrasse. We couldn't find any evidence of those two streets being near each other, so we dismissed the idea of Chaim Taub due to lack of evidence.

Next, we tried seeing if there was a relationship between Chana Tajtelbaum and Chaim Tajblam. When searching names in the database, Tajtelbaum was the only last name that came remotely close to Tajblam. For this reason, we thought that there was a chance Chana and Chaim could be brother and sister, considering Chaim was probably born sometime between 1926-1931 and the database gives us Chana's birthday being on October 31, 1935. The database states that Chana lived on Golschm 482. After further research on google, we discovered that Goldschm is an abbreviation for the street name Goldschmiedegasse. We then discovered through further google research that Goldschmiedegasse was a name given by the Germans in 1939, and that the Polish name for this street was Tokarzewski. After inspecting the Lodz Ghetto map closely, we could not find any relationship between the street Tokarzewski and Chaim Tajblam's School 13B on Franzstrasse. For this reason, we cannot make anymore assumptions on the relationship between Chaim and Chana because we have no further evidence. 

Finally, we looked on the original list of names on the project's website and found that there was an Abram Tajblam that also went to School 13B. Due to the fact that we have only found two people with the last name Tajblam and they both went to the same school, we thought it was fair to say that these two boys were mostly likely brothers. We searched different variations of Abram Tajblam's name in the database, but again were not able to draw any conclusions. 

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