Student Profile: P. Jachimowicz

Gender: unknown
School: School #23
Occupation and Address
Nov 21, 2011, 04:49:11 pm

While looking up Perel Jachimowicz's information on the USHMM Name Search database we saw that her occupation is listed as "Kettlerin". We attempted to find the definition of this term online.  Both German and Polish tranlations of Kettler translated into Kettler in English as well.  We, however, do not know if this occupation is applicable to an individual matching Perel's age.  Also while attempting to input her address information we found that her listed address, "Altermieter", wasn't in the drop down window. We proceeded to type the address into the provided box for unlisted addresses however there didn't seem to be a place to type in the second name in the address, "Pfeffer". Any clarification you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

1 reply

Posted: Nov 22, 2011 01:40:52 pm

An excellent question. "Altermieter," as far as we've been able to deduce through research done on the site, refers to addresses where families lived before and after the establishment of the ghetto.  Pfeffergasse has often turned up as one of those streets where Jewish families were already living and continued to reside in their apartments after the ghetto had been established. So:

-Select "Pfeffergasse" from the drop-down menu
-Add in the street and apartment numbers in the appropriate field
-Note the "Altermieter" designation in the comment field.
