Welcome to Children of the Lodz Ghetto: A Memorial Research Project.
Beginning in 2007, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum invited people around the world to reconstruct the stories of school children who fell victim to the Holocaust. Piecing together information from online databases and scanned records, citizen historians enabled the museum to better understand the experiences of school children from the Lodz ghetto.
Participants began their research by choosing a name from thousands of signatures in an album full of hand-drawn greetings for the Jewish New Year that was originally presented to Chaim Rumkowski, chairman of the Lodz Ghetto’s Jewish Council, on September 23, 1941. Within a year after signing the album, many of these children were deported and murdered in gas vans at the Chelmno killing center, but some remained in the ghetto and even after the ghetto’s liquidation, deportations to Auschwitz, and evacuation through numerous camps, some of the students survived.
Franka Zylbersztajn Franciszka Zylbersztajn "Franka" was born November 18, 1922 in Lodz, Poland to the parents of Hercyk and Cyrla Zylbersztajn nee Binger. Franka lived at Rembrandtstrass 9 Flat 7 and she attended the Gymnasium and High School for Girls. Frank was sent to Auschwitz where she was killed in 1944 at the age of 22.
T. Bukiet Tadeusz Bukiet was born May 23, 1927 in Lodz, Poland. He was 13 years old when his family was forced into the Lodz ghetto. In the ghettto, he lived at Goering Strasse 93 and Hohensteiner Strasse 9 Flat 16. It is likely that Tadeusz was in the ghetto until its liquidation in August 1944 when the remaining ghetto inhabitants were deported to Auschwitz. According to secondary sources, a transport o...
Over 13,000 students signed the Lodz ghetto schools album. Of those names, 10,937 are listed on this website.
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