Student Profile: F. Traube

Gender: girl
School: Gymnasium and high school for girls
The Ghetto
Oct 20, 2008, 04:50:54 pm
I found a lot of people with her same address in the Ghetto, but it was unclear whether they were her mother, sister, aunt, ect. I found 4 other women and no men living in the household. I am interested to find out more about her family, but it seems I have hit a brick wall.

1 reply

Posted: Oct 22, 2008 03:15:18 pm
Yes. As far as I can tell from the Lodz Ghetto Database Vol. 1-4, for Fradla Traube (maiden name Perle), born 1926, there were two or three other women in her apartment:

Chaja Traube (b. 1938, maiden name Perle)
Ester Traube (b. 1907, maiden name Burzin)
Ester Traube (b. 1904, no maiden name provided; same as Ester above?)

According to Lodz Ghetto Database Vol. 5, there was also a boy in the apartment:
Mojsze Wolfe Traube (b. 1930)

All were originally from Kalisz.

On the other hand, for Fradla Traube (b. 24-Dec-1924; d. 17-Jun-1943), it looks like the following relatives may have lived in her apartment:

Luzer Traube (b. 1894)
Gitla Traube (b. 1900)
Lajb Traube (b. 1923)