Student Profile: L. Reznik

Gender: girl
School: School #11B
Auschwitz & Beyond
No Research found
Apr 27, 2015, 12:48:39 pm
I have been trying and trying to find information on this stage of the research. Though I think I have hit a dead end. I am not able to find anything more than I already know. I believe that Isaak Reznik is some how related to Lea's family. I found him in a prison data base with a prison number of 79504. It says that he was born in Ostryna in 1917. This site does not tell us what his fate was at the camp. I think that he could possibly be her uncle. I also found Lea's mother Ida in the prison data base. Her prison number is not given but it does state that she was murdered while in the camp. I was not able to find Lea in this site.

I also found Lea in another site:
Her i found a document number 38/39/350. I am not sure what this number is for or what it means. It also stated her nationality as stateless and that she was 18. I am not sure why she would be stateless unless when this document was made she was being transported somewhere. Though I am not able to find anything on where she was her prison numbers or anything like that.
All I can find is who she is and where she went after. There is not liberation date or anything of the sorts there either. I have looked all over outside sources as well such as youtube for a testimony, Social security death indexes for any information on her death. I also searched visual history archive for a testimony there. I am having no luck finding anything more on Lea Reznik.
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