Student Profile: Ruta Salbe

Gender: girl
School: School #10B
Rywka Salbe - labor card data
Jan 24, 2013, 01:09:08 pm
So, here is some interesting additional info...

According to JewishGen's data, Ruta's relative (mother? I think she's too much older to be a sister, and the elder couple is a bit too old to have been her parents), Rywka, was registered as a worker in the ghetto under a married name - Rywka Salbe-Zagojska. Her birthday and address are the same. So, I'm confident it was her. Anyway, she was registered as working in the ghetto on March 27, 1944. This makes the odds of her survival much stronger. If Rywka survived and gave postwar testimony, she may have revealed what happened to Ruta. Something to explore!

3 replies

Posted: Jan 24, 2013 01:20:02 pm
It looks like Rywka's husband was probably Icek Zagojski, based on birth dates and street addresses. If so, he died at Dachau in February 1945 after being deported there from Lodz via Auschwitz. I think it is likely that both Icek and Rywka were sent to Auschwitz in August 1944. If they were deported together, then it is likely they were separated upon arrival and he was sent to Dachau. I'm still hoping that she survived to tell her family's story.
Posted: Jan 24, 2013 01:39:50 pm

Thank you all for the interesting discoveries and fixes. I am new to this project, so i appreciate all advice! Hopefully we will find that she survived.

Posted: Jan 25, 2013 10:51:24 am

No problem.  I'm hoping she survived, too.  But so far I haven't been able to find any good evidence of it.  The more I research this, the more I've come to realize that the true horror of genocide is not the cases where we know people were murdered.  It's the cases where people simply disappeared without a trace... The unknown is very painful.