United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Behind the scenes
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March 25, 2009 01:47 PM
Northbrook Junior High School
After listening to the holocaust story of Thomas Buergenthal I felt very sad for him because his father died in the Holocaust. How did he not get captured when he was hiding from the Nazi soldiers? When I was listening to the story I was shocked that he was walking in the cold with barely any clothes on! I wonder how he felt when his father almost made it through the war and then died right at the end of it? I wonder how old Thomas was when he was in the Holocaust? I wonder how he old he was when he got to use a automatic pistol? I wonder if he was around my age?
February 22, 2009 04:53 PM
I was ten years old when I first learned of the Holocaust. And something that struck me nearly as hard as what I found out had happenend on the soil I was living on, was the denial that -even in the early nineties- was connected to it. And while my parents were of little help, my granparents reacted rather hostile to me questioning them. But however horrid, it is crucial to keep the memory alive. It pains me to see Synagogues requiring police protection in this day and age. Awareness needs to be raised and preserved to prevent antisemitism from rising up again.
Commemoration is needed in order to create one strong voice demanding: Never Again.
February 05, 2009 07:11 PM
The Holocaust was a horrible tragedy that will never be forgotten. The survivors are amazing people with amazing stories and deserve to be remembered and recognized. These people went through so much with the loss of family and it is so important to know about this because we need to make sure this event never takes place again.
January 27, 2009 11:56 AM
katy texas
well i think this story is the most interesting that ive heard like all the troubles and the problems they had in history man it must have been terrifing for them to go through stuff like this, i just wonder
January 13, 2009 09:00 PM
I just think its so sad that all we read about this is true, makes me feel sad for all those people that died, for all those families that were broken, by the Germans and all those children that lost their parents and were left to die. I think we should always remember this because its true stuff that happend to innocent people...and for all those survivor that are out there it makes them heroes!!!!!
Brittany Kreps
December 19, 2008 11:07 AM
Land O'Lakes, Florida
Wow, I cant belive on how many people died in that time era and yet it was only 75 years ago. I think the holocaust is a very important thing to remember; even today because we need to remember those people who have fallen and died only because of some much hatred from one person. We need to remember period.
December 10, 2008 02:38 PM
wow. i just read about that lola rein survivor and i was amazed. i cannot believe she wore that symbolic dress for that long of a time in a hole underground. i would never have been able to do that. the lice and the food shortage and everything would have been very overwhelming. thank you for the stories. this website is so helpful. xoxo.
Angela Beaton
December 09, 2008 09:49 PM
Im a 13 year old canadian girl and have visited the holocaust museum last year in washington d.c. I have to write an essay on someones story from the holocaust and immigration. These stories really get to your heart and help you understand what these poor people went though. So much heart break and disapointment and the man Norman even spoke "i feel worthless." I truly don't understand why it was called the holocaust. the definition of holoucaust is "An act of mass destruction and loss of life" there is no word to describe all the terror the people went through because of anti-semitism. The holocaust is like a broken mirror. Each peice has a story, once you put it all together you have a big picture and a big mess of glass. The holocaust should have never happened, these stories really get to my heart.

God bless America and Holocaust survivors <3
November 06, 2008 08:46 PM
I'm learning about the Holocaust right now and my teacher mentioned this musuem to be the closest to it as you can get. It sounds like an amazing place and apparently it takes 3 days to recover from what you have seen, it took me an hour to recover over the information from the internet so the musuem just sounds amazing and it's totally something I need to do!
Nadine Morse
November 05, 2008 06:31 AM
I don't know really what to say, other than thank you for sharing all the history, all the personal memories, everything. Since I was very young, I've held a kind of fascination with the history of the survivors of the Holocaust. It's always rather unnerved me. I couldn't figure out exactly what it was that so held my interest. The images are so horrific, the stories are so terrible. But I finally realized what it was that made me not turn away, not close my eye's, and to actually seek out information on atrocities such as the Holocaust, and genocide that is going on even today. I realized that I feel a deep moral obligation to bear witness to these things. To see them with my own eye's, to hear the stories of anyone able or willing to speak of them. I feel a moral obligation to take advantage of the fact that I CAN learn about such things in this country. And a deep passion for making sure that these thing's aren't forgotten, that people don't close their eye's because it isn't pleasant to look at,or difficult to hear... So thank you... thank you so much, for having the courage to speak, the courage to share, the courage to teach... may it never be forgotten.
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