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The Chosen People

By Frank Cohn

Watch Frank Cohn read his essay, which was recorded in December 2023.

It all had started in Germany. With hate, the Nazis got tough. We Jews were placed in jeopardy. That should have been enough!

At first, the Jewish economy, With a legislative shove, Was strangled without ceremony. That should have been enough!

Out with our government leaders. With teachers, they got rough. Ignored by worldwide readers. That should have been enough!

They singled out our writers. “Get rid of that Jewish stuff!” Our books burned with their lighters. That should have been enough!

On Crystal Night, they wrecked our homes. Our synagogues were snuffed. They beat us, jailed us, broke our bones. That surely was enough!

Then war—escape was ended. But their plans got fired up. A “Final Solution” was rendered. That surely was enough!

They drove us into the ghettos. They made us a wretched lot. Hardly a bread or potatoes. It surely was enough!

The trains then started moving, To concentration camps. Where life-and-death decisions, Were made on the railroad ramps.

With gas where we thought there were showers, Like chickens killed in a pen. Surrounded by wire and towers; Our children, our women, our men!

Where were you God? What was your part? Why were “The Chosen”—us? Toward what end, we ask you, Lord, Were six million souls enough?