Student Profile: Szlomo Blanket

Gender: boy
School: School #20A

RESEARCH CONDUCTED BY: glintz98 Advanced Researcher
Stage 1: Identity
Student's Given Name:
Szlama Blankiet
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Birth Date:
Lodz Ghetto Inhabitants
Place of Birth:
USHMM: Łódź, Poland, Vital Records of Jews in the Łódź Ghetto, 1939-1944, via
User Comments:
There are only two results for a soundex search of Szlomo Blanket:
Szlama Blankiet, b 1931
Szlama Blankiet, b 1925
-Both of these results comes from Lodz-Names: A Record of the 240,000 Inhabitants of the Łódź Ghetto.
The second result is too old to have been a student at this school, which taught students born between 1928 and 1933.
The record for Szlama Blaniet, b 1931, and living in the Lodz Ghetto, lists his occupation as student. I believe this is a definite match.
Approver Comments:
Great work! I agree this is the student who signed this name in the album. As your note suggests, he would have been 10 years old in 1941, the right age to attend school #20a. Please add his two addresses in the ghetto to the appropriate fields on this stage, and add any additional information about his deportation to the appropriate field on the next stage.
Stage 2: The Ghetto
No research performed on this stage
Stage 3: Labor Camps
No research performed on this stage
Stage 4: Auschwitz & Beyond
No research performed on this stage
Stage 5: Liberation & After
No research performed on this stage