Student Profile: L. Eisenberg

Gender: boy
School: Gymnasium and high school for boys
The Ghetto
Dec 1, 2011, 01:25:41 am
For Lejb, I first looked in the hospital records and found no new information on either Lejb Ejzenberg or Lajb Eisenberg, so I looked in the labor cards and found neither of the names there either. He wasn't deported or relocated so I didn't look at secondary sources, but I googled the names to see what I could find next. I googled Lejb Ejzenberg and didn't get anything of interest, but when I goggled Jajb Eisenberg which seems to be the english translation, I found some interesting information. I found Lajb Eisenberg on three different necrology lists; however, no dates were given so I couldn't verify that this was him. It seemed a very strong possibility though because he was found on three different lists all with the same spelling. Next, and to the contradiction of the information that I just found, I located a website, listed above that provided a family tree for a Lajb Ejzenberg which is the spelling of Lejb Ejzenberg's last name. It stated that Lajb's wife and him were still alive and gave the names of his parents. The only discrepancy I have with this is that it said Lajb's wife's parents were born in the 1870's which means they would have almost been fifty when they had her, which is plausible but kind of unusual; however, they didn't die until 1932 and 1941, which is after she would have been born, so it's a possibility. The biggest issue is that the two findings contradict themselves because one says he is living and one says he is dead.
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