Student Profile: Mania Galanter

Gender: girl
School: School #5
The Ghetto
Nov 29, 2011, 11:47:18 pm

First, I started with Mirjem and searched the first two databases provided and didn't find anything or anyone even remotely close to her name. So, I then searched in the secondary source and found some useful information. Mirjem was deported or relocated, so I assumed, on February 10, 1944, and looking at the deportation list, there was none on that specific date; however, there was an arrival on February 28th in Auschwitz that I found interesting. It was the only relocation even remotely close to Mirjem's relocation date, but it stated that only one person was taken prisoner. Whether that means the rest were killed immediately or not I'm not sure, but I recorded Mirjem's number as the number of that one patient as the assumption that she was that person. If this is not the case, then I assume that Mirjem might have been killed at Auschwitz sometime between February 1944 and liberation in 1945. I then googled her name and M. Galanter, M. Galantrernik and found nothing regarding her survival or any indication that she married or had a family. Therefore, I moved on to Malka to see what i could find. I began with the first two databases again, and then when I found nothing, I moved on to the secondary source. Because Malka had a change of registration to a new address, I don't think she was deported, and because it does not say she was deported to Chelmno, I believe she might have survived until liberation. So then I googled her and found some interesting information. I got a hit on Esther Holender or Holander, and it said that she was born in 1874 and died in 1944 in Auschwitz. It said she had a niece named Malka, and the death of Esther is right around the time that Malka would have been i Auschwitz as well. The only problem is that Esther would have been almost 70 and Malka only 10, so niece might not be a fair assumption. I then looked up a family cemetary website, but this only had male Holenders. And so, I believe I'm at a stand still as I cannot find any indication of the survival or death of either of the girls that could have been Mania Galanter.

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