Student Profile: Israel Elechnowicz

Gender: boy
School: School #14B
Israel Hersz Elechnowicz
Emily Partington
Nov 8, 2011, 02:25:33 pm

I believe Israel Hersz Elechnowicz's identity profile

 is accurate. He
attended school  #14B. School

 #14B met in the
afternoon, and taught boys ages

 10-15. The children
had to be born between the years of

 1926 & 1931. The
information I found states Israel Hersz

Elechnowicz was born 8/18/1929. This would make

Israel  13 and able to
attend school #14B.

1 reply

Posted: Nov 9, 2011 11:40:36 am

Great work, Emily! I agree you've found the person who signed this name in the album. You can go ahead and input this information into stage 1 on Israel's profile: "Israel Hersz Elechnowicz" into the "name" field, his date of birth (18/8/1929) into the "Date" field, and his addresses (Gnesen 26, Insel 25, Hanseaten 9 #13, and Cranachweg 6) into the "place" fields. In the database, there are three different entries for him, and if you think they all point to the same person you can add all of that information into the appropriate places in his profile. I look forward to approving your research once it has been submitted. Thanks!