Student Profile: W. Solewicz

Gender: boy
School: Gymnasium and high school for boys
The Ghetto
Wiadyslaw Michal Solewicz
Sep 12, 2010, 03:02:30 pm

He was a schueler, his residence address was Adolf Hitler 116 in Lodz, Poland. His ghetto street house was Franz Strasse 100 Flat 3

3 replies

Posted: Sep 19, 2010 04:00:50 pm

I found out that Mr. Motel Solewicz might have been his father, who was born on May 5th, 1896,   he was a teacher and he was living in the same Address as Wiadyslaw.  Motel owned watch dogs that were put to death because they were forbidden in the ghetto.  And Wiadyslaw´s mother might have been Mrs. Felicja Solewicz, she was born on April 28, 1897 and was a teacher too. 

Posted: Sep 20, 2010 10:44:45 am

According to The Central Database of Shoah Victim`s Names Wiadyslaw Michal Solewicz perished in the Shoah, as well as Mr. Motel & Mrs. Felicja Solewicz.  Wiadyslaw lived in Lodz Poland after the WWII.  I was hopping to find that he survived, but he did not.  Rest in peace Michal. 

Posted: Oct 4, 2010 03:31:53 pm

Maddie, thanks for your hard work! I'll respond to your comments one at a time:

1. I think that Wiadyslaw might be the W. Solewicz we're looking for--he's the only one who shows up in the database, and he's the right age to have attended Gymnasium in 1941. Please add the information about his residences to the comment field in section 1.

2. Interesting thoughts about Wiadyslaw's parents. I'd be interested to know where you found this information. Once you add this information into the appropriate fields in section 2 and cite your sources, I can respond to you at greater length.

3. One of the most fascinating, and often rewarding, parts about research is when we stumble across a piece of information that challenges our assumptions. Don't give up on Wiadyslaw and his parents just yet--keep looking for them in other databases and sources, and tell us what you find!