Student Profile: M. Halbersztadt

Gender: boy
School: Gymnasium and high school for boys
Student Possibilities
Nov 19, 2009, 12:17:59 pm
When I searched M. Halbersztadt, two results came up. Both were names beginning with M and both were boys who were of age to be in high school at the time. Therefore you cannot simply pick one and do research for them under this name because it could be either boy. Also, I don't know how you could have found their hometown in the information that was given.

1 reply

Posted: Nov 22, 2009 11:58:47 am
ekohl1 sent this message in reply:

I read your comments to a previous submission about there being two people who could be "M. Halbersztadt" in the database. I however think that these could be the same people. Yes, they are a year apart in birth dates, however since the listing for Moniek has only the year I think this could possibly be an error. I have seen other instances in the database where a single number or letter has been changed to another, however all the other information for the other people with similar names is the same, leading me to believe that this may have been an error due to handwriting or any other number of things. In the case of Mendel, I noticed that the two lived in two buildings, in similar apartment numbers. For example: In the listing for Menddel Halbersztadt, his addresses are listed as: -FRANZ 57 15 -ORZRKOW -A relocation (WYM) on 27.8.42 to HOLZ 24. - In the listing for Moniek Mendel Halbersztdat, his addresses are listed as: -FRANZ 57 (similar to the first's listing of FRANZ 57 15) -HOLZ 24 1 (similar to the first's listing of HOLZ 24) -A relocation to FRANZ 28 on 19.7.44 Due to the two similarities in address, and the close birthdate, I believe that these two are the same person and the discrepancy comes due to a clerical error.

In addition, I believe that jgiuricich concluded that OZORKOW was M. Halbersztadt's birthplace because it is a town in Poland in the Lodz district.