Student Profile: H. Nachmanowicz

Gender: unknown
School: School #5
The Ghetto
School # 5
Nov 20, 2012, 08:21:50 am

Looking on the map to see if I can locate School # 5. So far it seems that all I can come up with is that 48 Marysinka St and 29 Franciszkaska St. are two streets that housed schools, but neither say specifically School # 5. I am not sure if my student is a boy or a girl but I do know that s/he was likley born between 1926-1934. I have just started this today and have spent about an hour and 45 minutes learning the site and moving from place to place to research.

1 reply

Museum staff
Posted: Nov 20, 2012 02:11:13 pm
The best I can tell you is to begin your research with the databases provided when you click on "Start your Research" on this student's profile. Since we do not yet know the connection between where the students lived and where they attended school (if there is a connection), we suggest you start with a search of names that sound like the one that was signed and look within the age range provided. Best of luck with your search--I look forward to seeing what you find!