Student Profile: Izak Rapaport

Gender: boy
School: School #18B
Izak Rapaport
Apr 19, 2012, 04:47:51 pm

According to the research performed on the Lodz Ghetto Database, it is possible that two of the results for Izak Rapaport may represent this child's identity. While there were other results that surfaced in searching for his name, the two results both named "Izaak Jakub Rapaport" seem the most plausible matches. Being that Rapaport attended school #18, he must have been born approximately between 1926 and 1932, thus having been anywhere from nine to fifteen. The two results crucially were born in 1931, had been relocated (possibly to Chelmno, which might explain the lack of further information on this person), and were both male students. Furthermore, these two results are most likely the same person being that they had similar addresses at "FAEHNRICH 3, and FAHNRICH 3 6 ". While it is unclear whether the true identity of the child under research "Izak Rapaport", is actually named "Izaak Jakub Rapaport", but in comparison to the other results, these seem to be the closest matches to Izak.

1 reply

Posted: Apr 19, 2012 05:36:39 pm
Additionally, the two searches in fact share subtle differences in the spelling of their last names "Rapaport" and Rapoport. While these differences can seperate the two as different identities, there also lies the possibility that they are the same person, simply with different spellings of their last names.