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Stephen Tyrone Johns

The Museum mourns the tragic passing of Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns, who died heroically in the line of duty on June 10 protecting our visitors and staff.


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Joel Maslak

June 22, 2009 04:48 PM

Golden, CO

The world has lost someone wonderful. We all are less because of this.

The only comfort to be found is that Officer Johns' legacy will be to reinforce the idea that hate cannot be tolerated, and that we very well could be the next victims.

Lauren Deutsch

June 22, 2009 03:35 PM

los angeles

We see these folks, in their uniforms, standing at entrances to buildings, galleries and events. Sometimes we think they are there to protect the "collection," but in fact they are there to protect all of us who have open minds and interests, who know that to encounter the material -- and each other -- is a privilege open to all, in safety.

The people who are guarding "us" are also some of the most knowledgeable on the topic. Especially in the case of Holocaust experiences. They see the faces of visitors -- including survivors -- and know how impacting and important the experience has been for them.

I am sure that Officer Johns knew the value of his own life and those of ours in light of the Holocaust and the important that has, is and will remain to be.

My father was in the USArmy Air Force in WWII. He survived but we know that others did not. I consider Offier Johns to have been on the front lines with these brave American (and European) men (and women).

May his family know that we appreciate deeply his sacrifice for all of us -- Americans and Jews, homosexuals, Gypsies, et al.

Diane Hunt

June 22, 2009 02:09 PM

Bay Ridge, NY

This is an unbelievable tragedy. According to the Museum's letter, Officer Johns was a member of the Museum family for six years. That's a long time.

When I heard the news, my heart broke for him. This should never have happened.

I would like to urge anyone who knows of someone like this (von Brunn) to report them. Assist our elected officials to work on laws that don't make law enforcement wait to act until it's too late. We just cannot let people like this roam through society at will.

To Officer John's Family, may your beautiful memories of him see you through the coming years and may Hashem ease your tears.

With deepest sympathy.

JIm McLaughlin

June 22, 2009 11:08 AM

Keene, NH

A tragic loss.

Dr. Richard Perlman

June 22, 2009 08:28 AM

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Our family shares in your sorrow. Officer Johns was a righteous man and will always be remembered for his bravery. He remains an example of goodness, for all people. May your memories of him be a blessing and comfort to you. Sincerely, The Perlman family

Janice Goldstein

June 21, 2009 11:47 PM

Phoenix Arizona

Our thougths and prayers are with the family of Officer Johns. This was such a terrible tragedy.

Sharon L. Miracle

June 21, 2009 10:15 PM

Taylors, SC

Our Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Greenville, SC has part of our service dedicated to the sharing of joys and sorrows. Last Sunday, I lit a candle in memory of Officer Johns and shared the sorrow of his untimely passing. I started crying, from anger, not being able to comprehend how his killer could have spent 88 years on this planet and not have learned anything about love. Hate IS a four letter word...

Rest in peace, Officer Johns.

Samantha Foster

June 21, 2009 07:01 PM

Franklinville NJ

I have never met him but am very sorry about his loss.

Adam Pachter

June 21, 2009 06:42 PM

Arlington, MA

In the Jewish tradition, it is said that he who saves one life saves the entire world. Officer Johns saved many lives and many worlds with his heroism; I pray that God now grant him grace, rest, and peace.

Ariana Kramer

June 21, 2009 12:29 AM

Taos, New Mexico USA

To the family and friends of Stephen Tyrone Johns:

The way in which Mr. Johns died is testimony to the greatness of his spirit, his courage, and his love for humanity. I am so sorry for your loss.

Ariana Kramer
Taos, New Mexico


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