United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
What Will It Take To Stop Genocide in Darfur?


What Will It Take To Stop Genocide in Darfur?

This forum is now closed. Read the archived postings below, and continue the discussion by posting new comments on the Voices on Genocide Prevention blog — where Jerry Fowler interviews human rights defenders, experts, advocates, and government officials each week and posts occasional blog entries on the crisis in Darfur and genocide prevention around the world today.

What it takes tostop GEnoiced in Darfur?

Amal E. A. Elsheikh
April 17, 2006 07:54 PM

Thanks for organizers of this great panel,
Questions: From a conerned Sudanese mother and policy economist

To what extent do you think that the recognition of the internatioanl community of the GOv. of northern Sudan; or NIFs gov had empowered it? I ean recognizing ot as the partner of peace negotiations while the killing was going on in west and eastern sudan!!

Towhat extent the marginalizaation of th ealready weak parties in oppostion had empowered the GOV of Nortern Sudan?

To what extent the recognized Lobbying groups in the west, mainly in the US had empowered: On Oct/26/06, washington post had published news about a lobbing company in the US for GOV of Sudan for $500,000/year (almost); and lately moneyreceived by teh NEw york Times for advertisng for the gov of Sudan?
