United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
What Will It Take To Stop Genocide in Darfur?


What Will It Take To Stop Genocide in Darfur?

This forum is now closed. Read the archived postings below, and continue the discussion by posting new comments on the Voices on Genocide Prevention blog — where Jerry Fowler interviews human rights defenders, experts, advocates, and government officials each week and posts occasional blog entries on the crisis in Darfur and genocide prevention around the world today.

What is to be done?

Mike Brand
April 17, 2006 07:10 PM

It is obvious that the situation in Darfur is very similar to many other past examples of humanitarian crises in that the international community is not willing to stop the atrocities that are occurring. The United States has come out and called the situation in Darfur genocide yet no formative steps have been taken to end the conflict. Last year the Security Council referred the situation in Darfur to the International Criminal Court and an expansive investigation coupled with arrest warrants have been the outcome. The ICC as it stands right now is a powerless organization that relies directly on the support of the international community to support its decisions and bring certain key perpetrators to justice. The successes of previous international criminal courts; the ICTR and the ICTY were only a success after the conflict was ended and this only occurred due to military intervention. This is why it is my opinion that the only way to stop such a horrific conflict such as the one that is taking place in Darfur is by a collaboration of the international communities military forces. With the ratification of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide nations have the responsibility to prevent and punish the crime of genocide. This is something that time and time again the international community has failed to do. Many Americans have viewed such movies as Hotel Rwanda or Sometimes in April and realize that the Genocide in Rwanda only occurred 12 years ago and wonder why they weren’t more informed about the genocide and say that they wish they would have known because they would have done more. There is plenty that can be done now and if the international community would get involved the genocide could be stopped. We all failed in 1994 and we don’t have to fail again. The UN should be moving to stop this conflict. What is the point of an organization of Nations such as the United Nations if when such an atrocity as this goes unpunished?