United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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Recent Student Activities

The School of Global Studies at Terry Sanford High School held a symposium: "Confronting Genocide: Never Again?" It was a moving tribute to those who have perished through the act of genocide in the past, and also an awakening for students to acts of genocide in the present.
January 2004
Claremont McKenna students visit Washington, D.C.
Claremont McKenna students visit Washington, D.C. Courtesy of Eric Brinkert
Claremont McKenna students made a trip to Washington D.C. to meet with various policymakers such as Sam Brownback, Jon Corzine, Frank Wolf, Donald Payne, and Charles Snyder, the Senior Representative on Sudan. They also spoke with Georgetown STAND and have many new plans for the coming semester. Contact Eric Brinkert.
January 2004
The Latin School of Chicago worked with Milton Academy in Boston to raise $1000 by selling “Not on Our Watch - Save Darfur” bracelets.