Displaying: 1,076 1,100 of 5,976 matches for “the netherlands”
1076. St. Louis Captain Gustav Schroeder negotiates landing permits for the passengers with Belgian officials in the port of Antwerp.
Britain; 214 to Belgium; 224 to France; 181 to the Netherlands). Only those who were accepted by Great ... France and the Netherlands died at the hands of the Nazis, but the majority survived the war. ... officials in the port of Antwerp.
1077. One page from the personal St. Louis photo album assembled Lotte Altschul showing the port of Antwerp.
Britain; 214 to Belgium; 224 to France; 181 to the Netherlands). Only those who were accepted by Great ... France and the Netherlands died at the hands of the Nazis, but the majority survived the war.
1078. Bar mitzvah portrait of Abraham Moshe Muhlbaum. The service took place in the "Ahavat Achim" orthodox synagogue on Prinzen-Alee.
Netherlands until January 28, 1943, when all the members of the Muhlbaum family, except Abraham, were deported ... returned to the Netherlands, where he remained until immigrating to the U.S. in the 1950s. ... LIFE BEFORE THE HOLOCAUST -- Germany (pre-1933) -- Religious Life/Weddings
1079. Group portrait of the X Troop -- a unit of German speaking British soliders, officially the 3rd Troop of the Tenth Inter-Allied IA Commamdos.
a fully manned radar station and participated in the fighting in Belgium and The Netherlands. He ... Troop of the Tenth Inter-Allied IA Commamdos.
1080. Nazi Plan: 4-hour American film about the Nazi Party shown at Nuremberg Trials
The Nazi Plan ... Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal ... Digital copies of the audio, film, and paper components of the Archives of the International
1081. Exterior view of the Versoix children's home.
The Netherlands, Belgium and France and crossed the border illegally into Switzerland. Their daily ... Daniel Barnea (born Werner Heilbronner) is the younger son of Erwin Heilbronner (born on January 18
1082. Portrait of an elderly Jewish woman wearing a hat in the Theresienstadt ghetto, a still from the Nazi propaganda film, "Der Fuehrer Schenkt den Juden eine Stadt" [The Fuehrer gives the Jews a City].
Czechoslovak state newsreel company. [Source: Fax from Karel Margry in Utrecht, The Netherlands to Sybil ... Nazi propaganda film, "Der Fuehrer Schenkt den Juden eine Stadt" [The Fuehrer gives the Jews a City].
1083. Deck of cards about the American presidents received by Manfred Weidhorn in the U.S.
older brother and two sisters. As a young man, Aron lived in the Hague, Netherlands for three years ... The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Manfred Weidhorn and his parents Anne and
1084. Jeanne Latchiver, a Jewish woman who worked closely with the Armée Juive, poses on the balcony of the mountain chalet in Les Michallons that was used as a training camp by the Jewish resistance group.
four. His father, who was born in Milowska, came to The Netherlands during World War I and later moved ... the mountain chalet in Les Michallons that was used as a training camp by the Jewish resistance group.
1085. Floral evening dress with purple slip worn to the Celebration Ball on the ill-fated voyage of the MS St. Louis
negotiated with four European governments, Belgium, Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands to admit the ... Belgium, Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands to admit the passengers rather than return them to
1086. Catalog of the works of Jewish composers returned to a family after being confiscated during the war
that Miller caught Arthur Seyss-Inquart, the former Reich Commissar of the occupied Netherlands, and ... recognized Arthur Seyss-Inquart, who had been Reich Commissar in the Netherlands during the German occupation ... The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish
1087. 1938 correspondence from the German consulate in Jerusalem and Zurich demanding the renewal of two Jewish emigrants passports.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1088. Handwritten list dated 1939 concerning Jewish passengers on the 'Tulin' and the 'Minerva' who wanted to emigrate.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1089. Typed form dated 1939 from the Stettin police (regular) to the tax authorities concerning one Stettin Jew who emigrated.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1090. Typed form dated 1939 written by Mannheim to the Berlin police custom-house concerning the arrest of 3 Jews.
Source Institution: Osobyi Archives/Moscow. In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of ... documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive ... of the Reich Security Services Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to
1091. Typed form dated in May 1944 written by the headquarters of Sachsenhausen concentration camp concerning the transport of a prisoner
concerning the transport of a prisoner ... In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services
1092. Typed form from the local police in Greifswald concerning the political activities of two foreign Jews there.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1093. Typed forms dated 1939 submitted by the Hannover Gestapo to the Berlin Gestapo concerning Jews who had emigrated.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1094. Typed list dated 1937 completed by the Konstanz custom-house concerning Jews who participated in the 'secret Jewish Congress' meeting
the 'secret Jewish Congress' meeting ... In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services
1095. Typed list dated 1938 written by the 'Union of Jews' to the Gestapo concerning Russians who were expelled from Germany.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1096. Typed list with the names of 49 members of the Stettin Union of Jewish Youth in 1936.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1097. Typed list written by Breslau Security Police to the RSHA concerning members the Jewish youth organization 'Herzlia'.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1098. Typed lists dated 1938 completed by the Berlin Gestapo concerning members of the 'Union 1937' (Vereinigung 1937).
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1099. Typed lists from the Stettin 'Jewish Women's Union' concerning the emigration or resignation of 11 Jewish women in 1938.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were
1100. Typed registration form from the Gestapo Stettin concerning the investigation of one Jew who lived in Stettin in 1936.
In 1945 the Red Army discovered a large collection of documents in Wilkanow, a village in Silesia ... (now Poland). These documents originally came from the archive of the Reich Security Services ... Headquarters (RSHA). Members of the NKVD brought the material to Moscow and, in March 1946, they were