Displaying: 376 400 of 1,828 matches for “latvia”
376. Oral history interview with Sara Kohane
Latvia. ... Riga (Latvia) ... experiencing a selection process; being taken to a cattle car and traveling to Latvia; being sent to a work ... camp in Riga, Latvia where she worked for a year; conditions in the camp and the psychological impact
377. Oral history interview with Steven Springfield
Latvia--History--German occupation, 1941-1944. ... Latvia--History--Soviet occupation, 1940-1941. ... Riga (Latvia) ... Steven Springfield, born in 1923 in Riga, Latvia, describes his experiences as a child; the German
378. "Charlotte's memoirs, Oct. 8, 1991"
Shanghai and had to report to the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Around July 1943, Jews in Rīga were being ... Originally from Berlin, Germany, Charlotte Baum remained in Rīga, Latvia, after her family ... they received visas for Shanghai and had to report to the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Around July 1943 ... an inhabitant of the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia, in the concentration camps of Rīga-Kaiserwald and
379. Charlotte's memoirs, Oct. 8, 1991
Shanghai and had to report to the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Around July 1943, Jews in Rīga were being ... Originally from Berlin, Germany, Charlotte Baum remained in Rīga, Latvia, after her family ... they received visas for Shanghai and had to report to the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Around July 1943 ... an inhabitant of the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia, in the concentration camps of Rīga-Kaiserwald and
380. "Charlotte's memoirs, Oct. 8, 1991"
Shanghai and had to report to the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Around July 1943, Jews in Rīga were being ... Originally from Berlin, Germany, Charlotte Baum remained in Rīga, Latvia, after her family ... they received visas for Shanghai and had to report to the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia. Around July 1943 ... an inhabitant of the ghetto in Rīga, Latvia, in the concentration camps of Rīga-Kaiserwald and
381. Poster advertising Christmas gifts for displaced children
albums belonged to German officers and date 1940 and 1941. Oil painting by Nora Drapche, a DP from Latvia ... Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. ... Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. White lettering on blue background.
382. Repression of Jews, beating, slave labor; Riga synagogue burning
synagogue in Riga, Latvia. Subtitle translation: "Synagogue in Riga survived, but after the G.P.U." ... LATVIA ... Latvia
383. Ceremony; train production; German troops advance in Russia and Africa
Latvia/Russia. Planes, soldiers, military equipment, snow, ice, military vehicles, fighting. POWs. In ... LATVIA ... Latvia
384. Oral history interview with Sasha Semenoff
Latvia--History--German occupation, 1941-1944. ... Riga (Latvia) ... Sasha Semenoff, born in 1924 in Riga, Latvia, describes his sister, who also survived the Holocaust
385. Oral history interview with Faye Szander
Riga (Latvia) ... labor camp in Riga, Latvia; her grief at losing her son and mother to certain death; her experiences in ... labor camps in Latvia and in Stutthof concentration camp, where she found her husband, who later
386. Oral history interview with Sulamif Shreyber Zhabinskaya
Latvia--History--German occupation, 1941-1944. ... Riga (Latvia) ... to Kaiserwald, a concentration camp in Latvia, in September 1943; working in the Juglas Manufactura
387. Mug used by a young Jewish man in the Riga ghetto and in hiding
Mug used by Issak Drizin in the Riga Ghetto in Latvia and in hiding. In July 1941, Germany declared ... war on the Soviet Union and invaded Latvia which had been annexed by the Soviets in 1940. A vicious ... LATVIA
388. Susan Taube
Susan and her family were deported to the Riga ghetto in occupied Latvia. Shortly after
389. Open Letter To American Leaders and Citizens From A Community Of Holocaust Survivors
L., survivor from The Netherlands Frank L., survivor from Germany Emanuel M., survivor from Latvia
390. Emanuel "Manny" Mandel
city of Riga, Latvia on May 8, 1936. Shortly after Manny’s birth, Yehudah accepted a post as one of the
391. Lithuania
Latvia and Estonia. About 5,000 Jews were deported to
392. Dorotka (Dora) Goldstein Roth describes conditions in the Vilna ghetto
Vilna ghetto. Dora, her sister, and her mother were deported to the Kaiserwald camp in Latvia and then
393. Einsatzgruppen and other SS and Police Units in the Soviet Union
Union. Einsatzgruppe A fanned out from East Prussia across Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia toward
Riga (Latvia)
395. Nazi Persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War
troops. Within weeks, German divisions conquered the Baltic republics of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
396. Riga: Maps
German forces occupied Riga, Latvia in July 1941. Soon after, they established a ghetto in the
397. Jewish Population of Europe in 1933: Population Data by Country
Jewish population in the three Baltic states totaled 255,000: 95,600 in Latvia, 155,000 in Lithuania, and
398. Vilna
Estonia, while the women were sent to labor camps in Latvia
399. Dorotka (Dora) Goldstein Roth describes retaliation against women for an escape from Stutthof
Vilna ghetto. Dora, her sister, and her mother were deported to the Kaiserwald camp in Latvia and then
400. 1940: Key Dates
(Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania), as Soviet