Displaying: 376 400 of 1,022 matches for “Holocaust Encyclopedia: Warsaw”
376. Backpack belonging to Ruth Berkowitz
This tan backpack was used by Ruth Berkowitz to carry her belongings as she fled from Warsaw via
377. Szlamach Radoszynski: Maps
following year, Szlamach and the rest of the Jews of Warsaw were forced into a ghetto. After the ghetto
378. Rescue and Resistance
Holocaust despite the inhumane conditions created by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Read about people who ... revolted against Nazi oppression in the Warsaw ghetto and in killing centers.
379. Elzbieta Lusthaus
escaped to Milanowek, a town near Warsaw. There they lived with a Polish family. Four-year-old Elzbieta ... the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto, German authorities intensified
380. Pants belonging to Marjan Glass
Pants worn by Marjan Glass as he dug anti-tank ditches for the defense of Warsaw, Poland, and
381. Soldiers of the Armia Krajowa
Warsaw Polish uprising. During the uprising, the Home Army was supported by 2,500 soldiers from other
382. Refugee camp in Zbaszyn
1939, and August 1939. Warsaw-based historian, political activist, and social welfare
383. Soviet military advance in Vitebsk
Soviet offensive reached the outskirts of Warsaw, Poland.
384. Mieczyslaw Madejski describes underground organization and activities
forced labor at a BMW plant in Warsaw. He escaped, and participated in ... the Warsaw Polish uprising in August 1944. After the uprising, he left ... Warsaw and went into hiding.
385. The Lodz Ghetto
after Warsaw. German troops occupied Lodz in September 1939. In early February 1940, the Germans
386. Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
death to anyone aiding Jews who fled the Warsaw ghetto ... time, they are in the Warsaw District. I remind you that according to the Third Decree of the ... etc. I ask the population of the Warsaw Destrict to immediately report any Jew who resides ... and Police Leader in the Warsaw District Warsaw, September 5, 1942
387. Portrait of Żegota member Andrzej Klimowicz
rescued Jews in Warsaw throughout the duration of the German ... Under the auspices of Żegota, Andrzej played a role in providing Jews in Warsaw with forged identity ... papers and hiding places outside the walls of the Warsaw ghetto. Andrzej survived the
388. Mieczyslaw Madejski describes underground work in the early 1940s
forced labor at a BMW plant in Warsaw. He escaped, and participated in ... the Warsaw Polish uprising in August 1944. After the uprising, he left ... Warsaw and went into hiding.
389. False identification card photo of Benjamin Miedzyrzecki (Benjamin Meed)
Meed) as a member of the Warsaw ghetto underground. Warsaw, Poland, 1943.
390. Operation Reinhard
originated mainly from central Poland, primarily from the Warsaw ghetto, but also from the Districts Radom
391. Operation Harvest Festival
centers and the Warsaw, Bialystok, and ... ,” the largest German-perpetrated massacre of the Holocaust.
392. German policeman interrogates a Jewish man accused of smuggling
the Warsaw ghetto. Warsaw, Poland, 1942-1943.
393. Father Wlodarczyk tries to clean a bombed-out church
Warsaw. Photographed by Julien Bryan, Warsaw, Poland, ca. 1939.
394. Postcard sent to Ruth Segal (front)
Japan. Family and friends in German-occupied Warsaw, Poland, sent the postcard on June 20, 1941. It ... bears stamps both from the Jewish council (Judenrat) in the Warsaw ghetto and from German censors. [From
395. Milk can that held part of the Oneg Shabbat archive
and buried in the Warsaw ghetto. The milk cans are currently in the possession of the Jewish ... Historical Institute in Warsaw.
396. Metal box that held contents of the Oneg Shabbat archive
Oneg Shabbat archive were hidden and buried in the Warsaw ghetto. The ... boxes are currently in the possession of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw. This view is of an
397. Portrait of Żegota member Irena Sendler
Portrait of Irena Sendler in Warsaw, Poland, circa 1939 ... social worker in Warsaw when World War II ... broke out in 1939. After the Nazis forced Warsaw’s Jews to move into the ghetto in the fall of 1940 ... children out of the Warsaw ghetto. She found hiding places for them in orphanages, convents, schools
398. An emaciated woman selling Star of David armbands
concert posters; almost all are destroyed. Warsaw ghetto, Poland, September 19, 1941. This ... 1941, he took 140 images of every aspect of life and death in the Warsaw ghetto.
399. Close-up portrait of Miriam Wattenberg (Mary Berg)
her family were sent from the Warsaw ghetto to ... eyewitness account in English of life in the Warsaw ghetto and the deportation of its inhabitants to be
400. Rozia Grynbaum
from Radom, a large town some 60 miles south of Warsaw. The couple settled in Starachowice, and they