Displaying: 701 725 of 6,956 matches for “Buchenwald”
701. Aufstellung der am 5.3.1944 vom Kons.-Lager Neuengamme nach der Baubrigade III überführten 530 Häftlinge und die neuen Buchenwaldnummern
III, as well as their new Buchenwald numbers ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
702. Další část seznamu buchwaldských osvobozených veznů, kteří jsou žíví a zdráví v Erfurtě. Chyby a opravy omluvte, seznamy jsou stále na německém stroji bez hácků a čáry
Another part of the list of freed prisoners from Buchenwald who are alive and well in Erfurt. ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
703. Liste der in der Baracke des Bezirksspitals Riggisberg untergebrachten ehemaligen Buchenwaldner Kinder, welche vom Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz, Kinderhilfe, übernommen werden:
List of children formally from Buchenwald who are currently in the barrack of the District Hospital ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
704. Liste der in der Baracke des Bezirksspitals Riggisberg untergebrachten ehemaligen Buchenwaldner Kinder, welche vom Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz, Kinderhilfe, übernommen werden:
List of children formally from Buchenwald who are currently in the barrack of the District Hospital ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
705. Liste der in der Baracke des Bezirksspitals Riggisberg untergebrachten ehemaligen Buchenwaldner Kinder, welche vom Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz, Kinderhilfe, übernommen werden:
List of children formally from Buchenwald who are currently in the barrack of the District Hospital ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
706. Liste der in der Baracke des Bezirksspitals Riggisberg untergebrachten ehemaligen Buchenwaldner Kinder, welche vom Schweizerischen Roten Kreuz, Kinderhilfe, übernommen werden:
List of children formally from Buchenwald who are currently in the barrack of the District Hospital ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
707. Plate 53, Herbert Sandberg series, Der Weg: young boy in prison uniform with helping hands
Buchenwald Child ... commission from 1958-1965 for the Buchenwald Museum in East Germany (now Germany) on the site of the ... sent to Brandenburg-Gorden Prison. On July 21, 1938, Sandberg was transferred to Buchenwald ... artist, but he was registered as a skilled stone mason and was kept at Buchenwald to assist this program
708. Nachtrag zur Veränderungsmeldung vom 15.7.44 : Namentliche Aufstellung der 8 Neuzugänge die bei der Stapo Weimar zur Vernehmung waren im K.L. Bu. Schon einsassen und auf die [illegible] Blocks kamen wo sie vor ihren Abgang nach Weimar waren.
Blocks in concentration camp Buchenwald from Weimar after questioning by the state police. ... List of Buchenwald inmates with prisoner number and type given. NOTE: This list is on pg. 1364 ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
709. Dnes se onlášil na cestě domů poslední zbytek politických věznů z Buchenwaldu - Gerik. Všichni odjídějí z Prahy zítra ráno v 8.05 hod. spěšným vlakem na Moravu. Jsou to Moravané a Slezane
Today it was reported that the last remaining political prisoners from Buchenwald were on their way ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
710. Halle
History A satellite camp of Buchenwald was created in ... could be found.) Like other subcamps administered by the Buchenwald main camp, the supply of prisoner ... of labor allocation for the Buchenwald camp, laborers worked a total of 166,364 hours in December ... likely not all of these laborers were Buchenwald inmates and not all were imprisoned in the Halle subcamp
711. Recognition of US Liberating Army Units
-Schönefeld (Buchenwald subcamp)Spergau (labor education camp) 4th ... DivisionLiberated Weferlingen (Buchenwald subcamp) 36th Infantry ... 69th Infantry DivisionLiberated Leipzig-Thekla (Buchenwald subcamp ... ) 80th Infantry DivisionLiberated BuchenwaldEbensee (Mauthausen subcamp
712. Enfants venue d'Allemagne - convoi du 8 Juin 1945.
Weimar-Buchenwald : Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora. ... of Buchenwald. Each child's birthdate and place and nationality given. ... Transport (1945 June 8 : Buchenwald to ?) --Registers. ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) --Registers.
713. Berga-Elster ("Schwalbe V")
brought to Berga from Buchenwald. Among them were the future administrative staff and the prisoner ... December 1, 1944, from the Buchenwald work detail “Wille” in Rehmsdorf near Zeitz, another Brabag camp ... because of replacement transports from Buchenwald. A roll call taken on March 11, 1945, established that ... hundreds at Buchenwald/Berga because of his rigorous and demanding work methods. On September 22, 1948
714. Liberation
the camps. The Americans were responsible for liberating Buchenwald and Dachau, while British forces ... Buchenwald campUS forces liberate the Buchenwald concentration camp near Weimar, Germany, in ... underground prisoner resistance organization seizes control of Buchenwald to prevent atrocities by the ... retreating camp guards. American forces liberate more than 20,000 prisoners at Buchenwald. American forces
715. Liste der am 8. September 1939 eingelieferten Häftlinge.
List of Buchenwald prisoners with prisoner number and birth date given. This list includes 4 ... prisoners apparently sent to Buchenwald by the Magdeburg state police from the penitentiary in Coswig. A ... note indicates that these prisoners were held in Buchenwald Block 29. NOTE: This list is on pgs ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald
716. Veränderungsmeldung
Buchenwald Effektenkammer document which does not contain names. ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
717. Veränderungsmeldung
Buchenwald Effektenkammer document which does not contain names. ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
718. Veränderungsmeldung
Buchenwald Effektenkammer document which does not contain names. ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
719. Veränderungsmeldung
Konzentrationslager Buchenwald Effektenkammer document which does not contain names. ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
720. An American Soldier’s Two Fronts
’re surviving prisoners of the Nazis’ Buchenwald concentration camp. More than 20,000 of them. And this is the ... which were Nazi killing centers — the Buchenwald concentration camp was used by the Nazis for ... Buchenwald— that there were many different groups of people who had been persecuted and imprisoned there by ... at Buchenwald, were the Nazis political opponents, and prisoners of war. Some were Jehovah
721. Halberstadt.
List of inmates apparently sent from Buchenwald to Halberstadt, with prisoner number given. NOTE ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
722. Transport Miesburg.
List of Buchenwald inmates transferred to Miesburg, with prisoner number given. Prisoner number ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
723. Transport Norweger.
List of Norweigians, apparently arriving at Buchenwald, with prisoner number given. NOTE: This ... Concentration Camp Buchenwald Konzentrationslager Buchenwald ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
724. Veränderungsmeldung
Concentration Camp Buchenwald, Effektenkammer Konzentrationslager Buchenwald, Effektenkammer ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
725. Veränderungsmeldung
Concentration Camp Buchenwald, Effektenkammer Konzentrationslager Buchenwald, Effektenkammer ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany