Displaying: 1,426 1,450 of 9,827 matches for “Buchenwald”
1426. Prisonniers libérés montrant les conditions d’extrême promiscuité au camp de concentration de Buchenwald, Allemagne, 23 avril ...
Buchenwald, Allemagne, 23 avril 1945.
1427. Czestochowa: Listing of the 195 Jewish prisoners from Tschenstochau (arrival date: 18 Jan 1945) who came to (arrived at) Laura on 30 Jan 1945 (Buchenwald Archive; from USHMM Registry Collection Document #AD0266; 194 persons)
Buchenwald January 18, 1945, and came to came to Laura on January 30, 1945 ... Buchenwald [concentration camp] Germany
1428. Liste der Buchenwaldkinder, welche vom S.R.K. Kinderhilfe übernommen werden:
List of children from Buchenwald currently in Olten, who were taken by the Swiss Red Cross ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
1429. LISTE der sich im Claraspital, Basel befidnlichen Buchewaldkinder, welche vom S.R.K. Kinderhildfe übernommen werden
List of children from Buchenwald currently in the Clara Hospital in Bern, who were taken by the ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
1430. LISTE der sich im Claraspital, Basel befidnlichen Buchewaldkinder, welche vom S.R.K. Kinderhildfe übernommen werden
List of children from Buchenwald currently in the Clara Hospital in Bern, who were taken by the ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
1431. LISTE der sich im Claraspital, Basel befidnlichen Buchewaldkinder, welche vom S.R.K. Kinderhildfe übernommen wurden
List of children from Buchenwald currently in the Clara Hospital in Bern, who were taken by the ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
1432. LISTE der sich im Claraspital, Basel befidnlichen Buchewaldkinder, welche vom S.R.K. Kinderhildfe übernommen wurden
List of children from Buchenwald currently in the Clara Hospital in Bern, who were taken by the ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
1433. LISTE der sich in Olten befindenden Buchenwaldkinder, welche vom S.R.K. Kinderhilfe übernommen werden:
List of children from Buchenwald currently in Olten, who were taken by the Swiss Red Cross ... Buchenwald (Concentration camp) Germany
1434. Photographs of child survivors, Rabbi Marcus leading Jewish services, and meeting with survivors pasted into a photograph album titled "Buchenwald/or a Glance at German "Kultur"" by Murray Bucher.
Buchenwald, [Thuringia] Germany ... MAJOR CONCENTRATION CAMPS 1940-45 -- Buchenwald -- LIBERATION -- Miscellaneous ... ALBUMS; BUCHENWALD; CHILDREN (0-3 YEARS); CHILDREN (4-12 YEARS); CLERGY/RABBIS/CHAPLAINS (JEWISH
1435. Letter from Eisenhower announcing American troops are about to embark on a Great Crusade pasted into a photograph album titled "Buchenwald/or a Glance at German "Kultur"" by Murray Bucher.
1436. Interior view of a barrack at Buchenwald. Possibly taken after sanitation efforts were carried out by the 45th Evacuation Hospital in order to curb the spread of tuberculosis in camp.
1437. Escoltados por soldados estadounidenses, niños sobrevivientes de Buchenwald salen por la puerta principal del campo.
Escoltados por soldados estadounidenses, niños sobrevivientes de Buchenwald salen por la puerta ... principal del campo. Buchenwald, Alemania, 27 de abril de 1945.
1438. Niños salen marchando de Buchenwald hasta un hospital de campaña estadounidense ubicado cerca, donde recibirán cuidados médicos.
Niños salen marchando de Buchenwald hasta un hospital de campaña estadounidense ubicado cerca ... donde recibirán cuidados médicos. Buchenwald, Alemania, 27 de abril de 1945.
1439. Une victime des expériences médicales nazies. Camp de concentration de Buchenwald, Allemagne, date incertaine.
Une victime des expériences médicales nazies. Camp de concentration de Buchenwald, Allemagne
1440. Des personnels médicaux font des expériences sur un détenu dans le camp de concentration de Buchenwald.
Buchenwald. Buchenwald, Allemagne, date incertaine.
1441. Objetos de valor confiscados dos prisioneiros pelos guardas do campo de concentração de Buchenwald
do campo de concentração de Buchenwald. Os bens foram encontrados pelas forces norte-americanas após ... a liberação daquele campo. Buchenwald, Alemanha. Foto tirada após abril de 1945.
1442. Burada gösterilen değerli eşyalar Alman subaylar tarafından Buchenwald'daki esirlerden müsadere edilmiş olup, kampa girdikten sonra Amerikan Kuvvetleri tarafından bulunmuştur.
Burada gösterilen değerli eşyalar Alman subaylar tarafından Buchenwald'daki esirlerden müsadere ... Buchenwald, Almanya.
1443. Las alhajas exhibidas aquí fueron confiscadas de los prisioneros por los guardias alemanes en el campo de concentración de Buchenwald, ...
campo de concentración de Buchenwald, y luego encontradas por las fuerzas americanas después de la ... liberación del campo. Buchenwald, Alemania, posterior a abril de 1945.
1444. Jenderal Eisenhower, Patton, dan Bradley menyaksikan mayat-mayat para tahanan Ohrdruf, salah satu subkamp Buchenwald.
satu subkamp Buchenwald. Jerman, 12 April 1945.
1445. I generali Eisenhower, Patton e Bradley osservano i corpi dei prigionieri di Ohrdruf, un sottocampo di Buchenwald.
sottocampo di Buchenwald. Germania, 12 aprile 1945.
1446. Generaller Eisenhower, Patton ve Bradley Buchenwald'in yan kampı Ohrdruf'taki esirlerin cesetlerine bakıyor.
Generaller Eisenhower, Patton ve Bradley Buchenwald'in yan kampı Ohrdruf'taki esirlerin
1447. Los generales Einsenhower, Patton, y Bradley miran los cadáveres de prisioneros de Ohrdruf, un subcampo de Buchenwald.
subcampo de Buchenwald. Alemania, 12 de abril de 1945.
1448. Les généraux Eisenhower, Patton, et Bradley observent les cadavres de détenus à Ohrdruf, un sous-camp de Buchenwald.
-camp de Buchenwald. Allemagne, 12 avril 1945.
1449. Buchenwald toplama kampı SS baş doktoru Waldemar Hoven, Amerikan Askerî Mahkemesi huzurunda yargılanması esnasında.
Buchenwald toplama kampı SS baş doktoru Waldemar Hoven, Amerikan Askerî Mahkemesi huzurunda
1450. Taşocağındaki işten dönen zorunlu işçiler, Buchenwald toplama kampına yaklaşık dokuz buçuk kilometreden fazla mesafede taş taşıyor.
Taşocağındaki işten dönen zorunlu işçiler, Buchenwald toplama kampına yaklaşık dokuz buçuk