Displaying: 201 225 of 3,415 matches for “❤GODSLIVE❤GODS❤gods5.com❤❤chip_màu❤❤Xem_phụ_nữ_xinh_đẹp_trực_tuyến❤Đăng_ký_nhận_888K❤Gái_xinh_chơi_game_trực_tiếp❤Kiếm_chục_triệu_mỗi_ngày❤Tàixỉuphântíchdữliệuthốngkê,dUuL”
201. Denk fix! [Think Quick] game turntable spinner, cards, and box brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Denk Fix! [Think Quick!] card and question/answer game with spinner brought with 8 year old
202. Handmade traffic board game and instructions brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Board game made from brightly colored cut construction paper brought with 8 year old Anneliese
203. Sports medal awarded to a young female Polish Jewish athlete during the 1935 Maccabi Games
Medal awarded to 16 year-old Liza (Leah) Grochowska in the Maccabi Games in 1935. She competed in ... 1938. She participated in the Maccabi Games in basketball, and the track and field events and later
204. Klick-Klack handheld pinball game with box brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Klick Klack, a handheld pinball game brought with 8 year old Anneliese Centawer when she and her
205. Twelve numbered tiles and box for a game brought with a young German Jewish refugee
The collection consists of six games, two composition books, documents, and photographs relating to ... Game box with twelve numbered wooden tiles brought with 8 year old Anneliese Centawer when she and
206. Drawing of a china cabinet and gaming table drawn by a German Jewish refugee
Still Life of a Cabinet and a Game Table ... Ink drawing of an English styled hutch and game table created by Nelly Rossmann. Nelly was a
207. Full program for the 1936 Olympic Winter Games found by Seymour Samuels
Official guide to the celebration of the IV Olympic Winter Games Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1936
208. Portrait of Ester Koen, Mois Koen, the son of Mordechai Koen, and Lunar Koen, the daughter of Mordecahai Koen.
Mordecahai Koen. Ester was a laundress, Mois was a laborer and Lunar, a housemaid. They lived at Sinagogina
209. TABEL de tiganii ce nu sunt nomazi dar nu au existenta pentru traiul zilic din raza postului
210. TABEL de sumele ce nu au fost plătite evreilor din Transnistria, deoarece nu au fost găsiţi la adresele arătate.
211. TABEL de sumele ce nu fost plătite evreilor din Transnistria, deoarece nu au fost găsiţi la adresele arătate.
212. II. Spisuk na litsata pristignali ot Sofia na 1 Ionii 1943 god.
213. III. Spisuk na litsata pristignali ot Sofia na 2 Ionii 1943 god.
214. Spisuk na litsata ot evreiski proizhod pristignali na 16 Ionii 1943 god. v gr. Chirpan
One Jewish couple, Mois Nisim Assa and his wife Rut, is listed with their former Sofia residential ... address, Ulitsa Pozitano no. 63. The list notes that Mois Assa was doing forced labor (trudovak) service
215. Spisuk na litsata ot evreiski proizhod pristignali na 3 Ionii 1943 god. v. gr. Chirpan
216. Spisuk na litsata ot evreiski proizhod pristignali na 5 Ionii 1943 god. Chirpan
217. Spisuk na litsata ot evreiski proizhod pristignali na 6 Ionii 1943 god. v gr. Chirpan
218. Spisuk na litsata ot evreiski proizhod pristignali na 7 Ionii 1943 god. v gr. Chirpan
219. Spisuk na litsata ot evreiski proizhod pristignali na 8 Ionii 1943 god. v gr. Chirpan
220. Spisuk na litsata pristignali ot Sofia na 16 VI 1943 god. XI Grupa
221. Spisuk na pristignalite v gr Vidin na 1 Ionii 1943 god. Sofiiski izselnitsi evrei
222. Spisuk na pristignalite v gr Vidin na 2 Ionii 1943 god. Sofiiski izselnitsi evrei
223. Spisuk na pristignalite v gr Vidin na 3 Ionii 1943 god. Sofiiski izselnitsi evrei
224. Spisuk na pristignalite v gr Vidin na 31 Mai 1943 god. Sofiiski izselnitsi evrei
225. Spisuk na pristignalite v gr Vidin na 4 Ionii 1943 god. Sofiiski izselnitsi evrei