Student Profile: Estera Wajnberg

Gender: girl
School: School #10B
The Ghetto
Parents of EHW
Oct 17, 2008, 02:41:45 pm
Fajwel Wajnberg (b. 24/04/1891) and Golda Kajla Wajnberg (b. 13/07/1895) appear to have been the parents of Estera Hadasa Wajnberg; they shared addresses before and in the ghetto.

Fajwel was deported on 14/07/1944, as was Estera's possible brother, Lajb Wajnberg (duplicate listing of Leib Wajnberg), b. 09/01/1925, who was deported on 04/03/1944.

1 reply

Posted: Oct 17, 2008 05:01:07 pm
Interesting stuff. We'll have to figure out which Estera is the one that signed the album. But in the meantime, this is good information about Estera Hadasa's family.

In addition, I see that Fajwel (the father) was deported on July 14, 1944 to Chelmno on transport 392.

Based on the date of his transport (March 4, 1944), it is possible that Lajb/Leib (the brother) was sent to a forced labor camp in the Czestochowa region. I couldn't find his name in the HASAG Pelcery camp list, however, and he appears seven months later in Buchenwald camp records as prisoner 83836 arriving on August 27, 1944. The Buchenwald records list his birth place as "Litzmannstadt" (ie, Lodz) and his father is recorded as Fajwel and his mother as Golda. He is also recorded in postwar lists of survivors and Berlin Displaced Person cards with a matching birth date and birth place of Lodz.

There was also a girl named Malka (perhaps a much older sister?) who was born 24.02.1921.