Gemäss Proces Verbaal Nr. T 405/64 der Rijksrecherche Amsterdam (Auswertung von Dokumenten beim Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie in Amsterdam) und den Dokumenten-Auszügen des Internationalen Suchdienstes des Rotes Kreuzes in Arolsen haben die nachstehend aufgeführten jüdischen Schutzhäftlinge des Polizeilichen Durchgangslagers Amersfoort/Hollan folgendes Schicksal erlitten: (ID: 4740)
Title (In English):
In accordance with Summons Nr. T 405/64 of the State Department of Criminal Investigation, Amsterdam (Evaluation of documents at the State Institute for War Documentation in Amsterdam) and the document excerpts of the Red Cross's International Tracing Service at Arolsen, the following listed Jewish prisoners of the Police Transit Camp Amersfoort (Holland) met the following fate:
List Type:
List Organized By:
Generating Agency:
Bavarian Regional Criminal Office
Document Date:
2 Jun 1964
Number of Persons (Exact):
Persecution Status:
Document Format:
Typed Document
Number of Pages (Exact):
Easily Legible Text
There are three lists on this document. The first is a list of 8 prisoners transported from Amersfoort to Mauthausen on June 12, 1942, arriving June 20, 1942. It includes each person's last and first name, date and palce of birth, last residence, Mauthausen prisoner number, and date and cause of death. The second is a list of 18 prisonerswho were transported from Amersfoort to Mauthausen on June 27, 1942, arriving July 4, 1942. It includes each person's last and first name, date and place of birth, last residence, Mauthausen prisoner number, and date and cause of death. The third is a list of people who were on a transport from Amersfoort to Auschwitz via Westerbork that left on July 7, 1942. It includes each person's last and first name, date and place of birth, last residence, prisoner number (presumably at Auschwitz), and date of death if known.
Place From:
- Amersfoort
- Westerbork
Place To:
- Auschwitz, Poland
- Mauthausen
- Westerbork