Civilians and prisoners of war in detention facilities located on the territory of Belarus : dossier for Molodechno of the District Extraordinary Commission for the Atrocities Inflicted by Fascist Invaders concerning the conditions of Soviet prisoners of war and civilians in Camp Number 342 in Maladzechna in 1941-1944. (ID: 40907)
Authorship or Source:
- Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory.
- Belarus. Archives. Belorusskij nauchno-issledovatel'skij centr jelektronnoj dokumentacii.,
1945 [available online 2015?]
Title or Main Description:
Grazhdanskoe naselenie i voennoplennye v mestah prinuditel'nogo soderzhanija, raspolozhennyh na territorii Belarusi : Akt Molodechnenskoj rajonnoj Chrezvychajnoj komissii po ustanovleniju prichinennyh zlodejanij nemecko-fashistskimi okkupantami ob uslovijah soderzhanija sovetskih voennoplennyh i grazhdanskih lic v lagere #342 v Molodechno v 1941-1944 gg, 26 aprelja 1945 g. [Internet resource]
Place Published or Holding Institution:
[Minsk : Arkhivy Belarusy]
4 leaves [537 KB total]
April 26, 1945
Type of Work:
Electronic scans in JPG format of archival documents
Alternate or Series Title:
Civilians and prisoners of war in detention facilities located on the territory of Belarus : dossier for Molodechno of the District Extraordinary Commission for the Atrocities Inflicted by Fascist Invaders concerning the conditions of Soviet prisoners of war and civilians in Camp Number 342 in Maladzechna in 1941-1944, April 26, 1945. [Internet resource]
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
Archival safety copies of the four document images are accessible to authorized USHMM Computer Network users in the folder designated as T:\DArchives\ReferenceCollection\EE4030\ as the files named Molodechno1.jpg, Molodechno2.jpg, Molodechno3.jpg, and Molodechno4.jpg.
Report compiled by the District Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory, presented online by the Belorusskij nauchno-issledovatel'skij centr jelektronnoj dokumentacii [= Belarusian Research Centre for Electronic Documentation], part of the National Archives of Belarus.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Registers of dead --Belarus --Maladzyechna.
World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Belarus --Maladzyechna.
World War, 1939-1945 --Prisoners and prisons, German --Belarus --Maladzyechna --Registers of dead.
Prisoners of war --Belarus --Maladzyechna --Registers of dead.
Dulag 342 (Belarus : Prisoner of war camp) --Registers of dead.
Dulag 342 (Belarus : Prisoner of war camp) --Sources.
[Additional Geographic Keywords: Kriegsgefangenen-Durchgangslager 342, Maladecina, Maladecna, Maladzecna, Maladzetschna, Molodechno, Molodeczno, Molodetchno, Stalag 342]
World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Belarus --Maladzyechna.
World War, 1939-1945 --Prisoners and prisons, German --Belarus --Maladzyechna --Registers of dead.
Prisoners of war --Belarus --Maladzyechna --Registers of dead.
Dulag 342 (Belarus : Prisoner of war camp) --Registers of dead.
Dulag 342 (Belarus : Prisoner of war camp) --Sources.
[Additional Geographic Keywords: Kriegsgefangenen-Durchgangslager 342, Maladecina, Maladecna, Maladzecna, Maladzetschna, Molodechno, Molodeczno, Molodetchno, Stalag 342]
Report concerning prisoners of war and civilians held in Dulag 342 [i.e. in full: "Kriegsgefangenen-Durchgangslager 342", or "Prisoner-of-war Transit Camp 342"] in Molodechna [current-day Maladzyechna, Belarus] which includes the names and other details of some who perished there and of perpetrators throughout.
Language and Other Notes:
- Text of document in Russian with its website partly in Belarusian.
- Romanized catalog record with some unsupported characters or diacritics replaced with nearest supported equivalents.
Location of Electronic or Internet File: