The Soviet invasion of Poland during World War Two: Fallen Soldiers. [Internet resource] (ID: 33351)
Authorship or Source:
Sokolowski, Henryk.
Title or Main Description:
The Soviet invasion of Poland during World War Two: Fallen Soldiers. [Internet resource]
Type of Work:
HTML document
Alternate or Series Title:
- The Soviet invasion of Poland during World War Two. Excerpts
- Fallen Soldiers1.
- Fallen Soldiers2.
- Fallen Soldiers3.
- Fallen Polish Soldiers.
"This project is being co-ordinated by Henryk Sokolowski, the son of Polish World War Two survivors Bronislaw Sokolowski and Anna Usowicz. Mr. Sokolowski has recently been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Toronto Branch # 20, Polish Combatants' Association (Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantow - SPK). He is in charge of the Branch # 20 museum and historical records and would be pleased to accept donations of memoirs, memorabilia and documents to help preserve Poland's World War Two legacy."--"About Us", at
- World War, 1939-1945 --Registers of dead --Poland.
- Armed forces --Poland --Registers of dead.
- Various name registers of Polish military forces who died in World War II as described below.
- "Fallen Soldiers1" at contains:
- -- Part One, List 1: Very incomplete list of Polish soldiers killed during battles with the invading Soviet Army in 1939
- -- Part One, List 2: Further losses in the provinces of Podlesie and Lublin
- -- Part One, List 3: Unknown soldiers
- -- Part Two: Polish soldiers buried in the cemetery at Newark-upon-Trent in England
- -- Part Three: Soldiers of the Polish 1st Armoured Division buried in northern Europe
- -- Part Four: Link to a list of Polish soldiers buried at Monte Cassino, Italy
- -- Part Five, List 1: Polish 2nd Corps soldiers who perished while still in the Soviet Union, 1941-42
- -- Part Five, List 2: Further 2nd Corps losses in Iran, 1942
- -- Part Six, Lista A, B: Partial lists of Polish soldiers known to be captives of the Soviets, 1939-42
- -- Part Seven, List 1: Polish Independent Carpathian Brigade, Middle East, 1939-42
- -- Part Seven, List 2: Polish 2nd Corps, Middle East, 1942-46
- -- Part Seven, List 3: Further 2nd Corps losses in the Middle East and Italy, 1944-46
- "Fallen Soldiers2" at contains:
- -- Part Seven, List 4: France, 1939-40
- -- Part Seven, List 5: France, 1941-46
- -- Part Seven, List 6: Switzerland, 1940-46
- -- Part Seven, List 7: Norway, 1940
- -- Part Seven, List 8: Polish Independent Parachute Brigade, 1940-46 (Polska Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa)
- -- Part Eight: Navy (Marynarka)
- -- Part Nine: Air Force (Lotnictwo)
- -- Part Ten: Headquarters and Units in Great Britain 1940 - 46 (Dowodztwo i oddzialy w Wielkiej Brytanii)
- -- Part Eleven, List One: Women in the Armed Forces (Kobiety c Sluzbie Sil Zbrojnych)
- -- Part Eleven, List Two: Female Cadets (Junaczki)
- -- Part Eleven, List Three: Red Cross (Czerwony Krzyz)
- -- Part Eleven, List Four: Male Cadets (Junacy)
- "Fallen Polish Soldiers 3" at contains:
- -- A list of known soldiers killed in action on the Eastern Front during World War Two while fighting in Polish units of the Red Army, 1943-45.
Language and Other Notes:
- "On this page you will find a number of lists of Polish soldiers who perished during World War Two. The lists continue on the page entitled "Fallen Soldiers2. Fallen Soldiers 3 is under construction and can be found at E-mail me at if you wish more information about a soldier listed below or the proper spelling of the name with Polish characters. Please mention which list the name appears on. No further information is available for lists in Parts One and Six."--"The Soviet invasion of Poland during World War Two: Fallen Soldiers1" at
- Last Accessed: 23 April 2008.
Location of Electronic or Internet File: