Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945 = List of Jewish Residents in Germany 1933-1945. [formerly titled: Residentenliste : Die Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945]. [Electronic resource] (ID: 32637)
Authorship or Source:
- Germany. Bundesarchiv.
- Stiftung "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft".
Title or Main Description:
Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945 = List of Jewish Residents in Germany 1933-1945 / Ein Project der Stiftung "Errinerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft" in zusammenarbet mit dem Bundesarchiv. [formerly titled: Residentenliste : Die Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945]. [Electronic resource]
Place Published or Holding Institution:
Remagen : Ossenberg & Schneider
1 computer optical disc ; 4 3/4 in. [3.86 GB]
8. Auflage (Stand 23.02.2015)
Type of Work:
Computer files
Alternate or Series Title:
- List of Jewish Residents in Germany 1933-1945.
- Liste der juedischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945.
- Residentenliste. Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945.
- Residentenliste. Liste der juedischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933-1945.
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
Survivors Registry Collection: Installed on Staff Computer Terminal located in 2nd Floor Public Service Area.
- Initially received as a presentation DVD in a formal ceremony in the USHMM Hall of Remembrance on February 25, 2009. DVD presented by Bernd Neumann, German Staatsminister für Kultur und Medien to USHMM Director Sara Bloomfield and a group of survivors.
- By order of the Federal Government of Germany, and in cooperation with the Foundation "Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft" [= "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future"], the Bundesarchiv [= Federal Archives of Germany"] compiled this electronic list of Jewish residents of the German Reich for the period 1933 to 1945. The object of the project is to compile, from a multitude of sources, as accurate and complete a list as possible of Jews resident and persecuted in Germany (as defined by its borders as of 31 December 1937) between 1933 and 1945. Additionally, the Jewish population of the Free State Danzig has also been included in this resource.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Registers of dead --Germany.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Registers of dead --France.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Registers of dead --Czech Republic.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Registers of dead --Poland.
- World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Germany --Registers.
- World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from France --Registers.
- World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Czech Republic --Registers.
- World War, 1939-1945 --Deportations from Poland --Registers.
- Jews --Germany --Registers.
- Jews --Poland --Gdansk --Registers.
- Missing persons --Germany --Registers, lists, etc.
Comprehensive database of Jews known to have been living in Germany during the Nazi period (1933-1945).
Language and Other Notes:
- Text in German
- Museum staff is free to use the database for internal research with no restrictions.
- Museum visitors, callers and other researchers must complete a "Request for Access" form prior to use of this program or any provision of information therefrom by staff. An electronic copy of this form can be accessed here
- User Tips:
-- When searching or filtering for specific place names such as "Geburtsort:" [= "birth place"], use of the system's "wildcard" asterisk character will provide far better results (e.g. search for " Berlin* " [without quotes, with asterisk] instead of just " Berlin " [without quotes].
-- The "Status" codes found under the "Details" tab information near lower right are said to indicate the following: "D" = deported and perished, "S" or blank = deported and survived, "E" = emigrated (and not caught in another country) and "U" = not clear if Jewish or if resided in Germany after 1933.
Location of Electronic or Internet File:
- H:\Registry\Data\DATA\REGLISTS\Residentenliste\Residentenliste20200124\Residentenliste.exe (Use on USHMM Computer Network)
- H:\Registry\Data\DATA\REGLISTS\Residentenliste\Residentenliste20200124\setup.exe (Install on hard drive)
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
- An archival safety copy of this program's most recent '8. Auflage' [= '8th edition'] installation disk is accessible to authorized USHMM Computer Network users only in the folder H:\Registry\Data\DATA\REGLISTS\Residentenliste\Residentenliste20150424\ . To install the program onto a computer's hard drive execute the file named 'setup.exe' (Windows Administrator rights may be required); to simply access the program in that folder from the USHMM Network double-click the file named "Residentenliste.exe" (which may display in some computers simply as "Residentenliste"). Please note that such Network access is single-user only. If another Network user is already using the program it will not function until it is closed by the current user.
- Previous editions of the program can be found in the USHMM Computer Network folder H:\Registry\Data\DATA\REGLISTS\Residentenliste\