Dachau Names Lists (ID: 32208)
Authorship or Source:
National Archives and Record Administration. Captured German Records Division
Title or Main Description:
Dachau Names Lists
Place Published or Holding Institution:
- National Archives and Record Administration
- USHMM Archives
- 19 microfilm reels
- Reels 10-12 consist of Dachau arrival records organized by prisoner number.
- Reels 13-14 consist of Dachau arrival and "departure" records organized chronologically.
- Reels 15-19 contain about 120,000 Dachau prisoner names listed alphabetically.
- Reels 10-14 prepared 1933-1945
- Reels 15-19 prepared after the war.
Type of Work:
Microfilm copy of archival originals held at National Archives
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
- NARA A3355
- USHMM - 1996.A0342
- Original microfilms held at NARA.
- USHMM has copies.
Dachau (Concentration camp) --Registers.
- Contains mostly non-Jewish but also Jewish prisoners held in Dachau from 1933-1945.
- Reel 10 consists solely of hand written ledger book lists of arrivals at Dachau from 1933-1940. About 37,000 names.
- Reel 11 continues from Reel 10 for the years 1940 - July 1944.
- Reel 12 continues from Reel 11 for July 1944 through April 2, 1945.
- Reel 13 is a chronological listing of arrivals and "departures" (which include deaths) from December 1, 1941 through November 27, 1942.
- Reel 14 continues reel 13 in same format for period April 16, 1943 through December 10, 1943.
- Reel 15 contains an alphabetical typed list of Dachau prisoners prepared after WWII. Contains only names from Babel to Bystrom. Includes survivors. Generally includes name, date and place of birth, last residence, type of prisoner and what happened to that individual.
- Reel 16 continues Reel 15 for names beginning with the letter A and C-G.
- Reel 17 continues for names beginning with the letters H-K.
- Reel 18 continues for letters L-Q.
- Reel 19 continues for letters V-Z. N.B. this list is copied in a mirror image and is largely illegible. Original reels at NARA should be clearer.