ITS File 9. OCC2/2 IC/2 (F4-14E) Arrival lists from Buchenwald, Lublin,RSHA, and Slovakia, 14 Apr 44 - 22 May 42. (ID: 31289)
Title or Main Description:
ITS File 9. OCC2/2 IC/2 (F4-14E) Arrival lists from Buchenwald, Lublin,RSHA, and Slovakia, 14 Apr 44 - 22 May 42. 973 French Jewish men (1st page missing), no date, date of birth, place of birth, occ. 17 Apr 42, 973 Jewish men arriving from Slovakia, date of birth, place of birth, occ, date of death. 19 Apr 42, 464 Jewish men arriving from Slovakia, date of birth, place of birth, occ. 19 Apr 42 (2 coopies, 2nd one is better). 23 Apr 42, 543 Jewish men, arriving from Slovakia, date of birth, place of birth, occ, date of death (2 copies, 2nd one is better). 24 Apr 42, 442 Jewish men, arriving from Slovakia, date of birth, place of birth, occ, date of death, (2 copies, 2nd one is better). 29 Apr 42, 423 Jewish men,arriving from Slovakia, date of birth, place of birth, occ, date of death (2nd copy better). 1000 Jewish men arriving from Slovakia, date of birth, place of birth, occ, date of death (2nd copy better)
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
- Survivors Registry Collection.
- Source Institution: Yad Vashem
- Institutional Call Number-- Reel 2
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
Former Q&A Name Lists Database File Number-- AC0227