ITS File 10a OCC 2/2 IC/2 Arrival lists from Buchenwald, Lublin, RSHA, and Slovakia 30 Jun 42 - 19 Oct 42. (ID: 31114)
Title or Main Description:
ITS File 10a OCC 2/2 IC/2 Arrival lists from Buchenwald, Lublin, RSHA, and Slovakia 30 Jun 42 - 19 Oct 42. From RSHA, 3l0 Jun 42, 1004 Jewish men, two lists with date of birth, place of birth, and occ. Second lists provides date of death. From Lublin, 30 Jun 42, 399 Jewish men (Nos. 1057-1456), two lists with date of birth, place of birth, and occ. Second list provides date of death. From RSHA (Beaune-la-Rolande), 264 Jewish men, two lists with date of birth, place of birth, and occ. Second list provides date of death. From Slovakia, 11 Jul 42, 182 Jewish men, two lists with date of birth, place of birth, and occ. Second list provides date of death. From RSHA (Holland), 17 Jul 42, 651 Jewish men, two lists with date of birth, place of birth, and occ. Second lists provides date of death. From Buchenwald, 19 Oct 42, 434 Jewish men, providing date of birth, place of birth, occ., and date of death. OCC 2/2/a IC/2 Arrival lists from Litzmannstadt and Flossenburg 3 Feb 43 - 5 Dec 43. From Flossenburg, 5 Dec 43, 19 Polish men, 41 Soviet POWs; 955 civilians, mostly Russians and Poles, and a few other nationalities, including date of birth, place of birth, and occ. OCC 2/6/c Arrival lists from Dusseldorf, 1 Mar 43 and Frankfurt 28-29 Oct 43 (no data; cross references to VCC 155/VII and VCC 155/XII)
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
- Survivors Registry Collection [microfilm]
- Source Institution: Yad Vashem
- Institutional Call Number-- Reel 2 File 10a
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
Former Q&A Name Lists Database File Number-- AC0065