According to its Director Dr. Knigge on 28 August 1995, the Buchenwald Memorial is currently attempting to reconstruct the camp's (ID: 30500)
Authorship or Source:
Stiftung Gedenkstätte Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora.
Title or Main Description:
According to its Director Dr. Knigge on 28 August 1995, the Buchenwald Memorial is currently attempting to reconstruct the camp's death register of between 30,000 and 40,000 names. The Memorial is using names from documents, including Arolsen records and the collections in the archives in Thuringen, to recreate these lists. Dr. Knigge has given verbal agreement to share the raw material for this project with the Survivors Registry.
Number of Names or Other Entries-- Approx. 30,000 Names.
Type of Work:
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
Source Institution: Stiftung Gedenkstätte Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora, Dr. Volkhard Knigge, Stiftungsdirektor, Verwaltung Haus 5, 99427 Weimar-Buchenwald; Tel.: 0 36 43 43 01 31; Fax: 0 36 43 43 01 00; Website:
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --Registers of dead --Buchenwald --Sources.
- Buchenwald (Concentration camp) --Registers --Sources.
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
- Materials in Survivors Registry Document File AA0070 cataloged under the title: "I. Verzeichnis der Wiener Juden! (Staatenlose)! [...]".
- Former Q&A Name Lists Database File Number-- AA0070