Item 43 on film #3 (frame number 0011607). List of 31 Hungarian Jewish women sent from Auschwitz via Gelsenkirchen (subcamp of Buchenwald) (ID: 30451)
Title or Main Description:
Item 43 on film #3 (frame number 0011607). List of 31 Hungarian Jewish women sent from Auschwitz via Gelsenkirchen (subcamp of Buchenwald) to Sömmerda (subcamp of Buchenwald) on December 5, 1944. List gives prisoner nr., name, date and place of birth. Provenance unknown but presumably Auschwitz or Buchenwald
Number of Names or Other Entries-- 31
Museum or Other Institution Holdings:
- Survivors Registry Collection [microfilm]
- Source Institution: Yad Vashem
- (film #3)
- Auschwitz (Concentration camp)
- Buchenwald (Concentration camp)
- Gelsenkirchen (Concentration camp)
- Sömmerda (Concentration camp)
- [Soemmerda].
- Hungary.
- Jews, Hungarian.
- Women.
Language and Other Notes:
Text in German.
Resource Center Cataloging Notes:
Former Q&A Name Lists Database File Number-- SD0007