[Police registration cards] (ID: 25062)
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Groupings contains cards submitted to the police station. Types of card include: Zgłoszenie zmiany miejsca zamieszkania kwestionariusz (Notification of change of residence questionnaires), Polizeiliche Anmeldung/Policyjne wymeldowanie (Registration with the police), Karta Wymeldowania dla przebywających czasowo Gmina m. Krakowa (Registration for staying temporarily in the municipality of Kracow), marriage certificates, other certificates, and various notes and correspondence. These cards were filled out by Catholic Poles who were forced to leave their homes during the establishment of the Jewish Ghetto.
Cards contain the following information: first and last names, dates and places of birth, nationalities, ethnicity, religious affiliations, addresses as of July 1939, marital statuses, and sometimes information on spouses and children.
Cards contain the following information: first and last names, dates and places of birth, nationalities, ethnicity, religious affiliations, addresses as of July 1939, marital statuses, and sometimes information on spouses and children.
List Type:
Registration / register
List Organized By:
Not Applicable
Generating Agency:
- Urzędu parafialnego rzymsko-katolickiego w Zielonkach k. Krakowa
- Generalgouvernement Der Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau
Document Date:
Between Jan 1941 - Dec 1944
Male and Female
- German
- Polish
Persecution Status:
- Jew
- Racial targets (other)
- Religious targets (other)
Moderately Legible Text
Document Format:
Typed and Handwritten
Current Location:
Kraków, Poland
158 - 182
Compiling Agency: