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Displaying 1,1761,200 of 2,321 matches for All Fields: nazis
1176. TABEL Cuprinzând țiganii nominal (cu membrii familiei numeric) cari cer repatrierea în țară arătând că au fost evacuați, contrar ordinilor (ID: 46106)
Title (In English): Table including name of Romani (and number of family members) who demand repatriation to the county showing they were evacuated, contrary to orders
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Hunedoara Gendarme Legion Hunedoara
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1177. TABEL Cuprinzând țiganii nominal (cu membrii familiei numeric) cari cer repatrierea în țară arătând că au fost evacuați, contrar ordinilor (ID: 46158)
Title (In English): Table including name of Romani (and number of family members) who demand repatriation to the county showing they were evacuated, contrary to orders
Creator: Politia Orasului Bălți City Police in Bălți
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
Title (In English): Table including Romani from category II-A, order number 7880/942 of the Police Director General, non-monilized
Creator: Politia Orasului Târgoviște City Police in Târgoviște
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1179. TABEL De țiganii din acest oraș, cari au fost achitați sau condamnați pantru vre o infracțiune și cari urmează a fi evacuați în Transnistria (ID: 47392)
Title (In English): Table of Romani in this cit, who have been acquitted or convicted for any offense and are about to be evacuated to Transnistria
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Hunedoara Hunedoara Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1180. TABEL De țiganii predați pentru evacuare în Transnistria (ID: 45748)
Title (In English): List of Romani handed over for deportation in Transnistria
Creator: Prefectura Politiei Capitalei Capital Police Prefecture
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1181. TABEL NOMINAL De țigani stabili mobilizați și familiile celor mobilizați evacuați în Transnistria de pe teritoriul rural al Legiunei Jand. Ialomița, în tocmit conform ord. teleg. cifrat Nr. 44738/942 al I.G.J. (ID: 46261)
Title (In English): Nominal Table stable, mobilized Romani and the families of those who are mobilized, who were evacuated to Transnistria from the rural area of the Gendarme Legion of Ialomița, in accordance with telegraphic order number 44738/942 of the I.G.J
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Constanța Gendarme Inspectorate of Constanța
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1182. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganii depe raza Comunei Panciu Jud. Putna evacuați în Transnistria (ID: 46502)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani from Panciu, Putna county, who were evacuated to Trasnsnistria
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Panciu Panciu Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1183. TABEL NOMINAL De țiganii mobilizabili și familiile lor, din aceasta regiune cari au fost evacuați în Transnistria (ID: 47138)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who are able to be mobilized and their families in this region who were evacuated to Transnistria
Creator: Inspectoratul Regional de Politie "Mures" Alba Iulia Regional Police Inspectorate Mures, Alba Iulia
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1184. -TABEL NOMINAL- De țiganii mobilizabili, cari au fost evacuați in Transnistria (ID: 47152)
Title (In English): Nominal Tabel of Romani who are able to be mobilized, who were evacuated to Transnistria
Creator: Inspectoratul Regional de Politie Iași Regional Police Inspectorate Iași
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1185. Block No. Wawelska Sattlergasse Str. No. 18 (ID: 41327)
Title (In English): Block Number 63 A Wawelska Sattler Alley Street Number 18
The Nazis renamed the streets in Lodz. Sattlergasse is the Nazi name for Wawelska.
1186. [Persons from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42345)
Creator: Der Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren The Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth.
1187. [Persons from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42261)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Prag Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Prague
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1188. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42278)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1189. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42270)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1190. Block No. A 68 Zielna Kräutergasse Str. No. 22 (ID: 39046)
Title (In English): Block Number A 68 Zielna Kräuter Alley Street Number 22
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Kräutergasse is the Nazi name for Zielna.
1191. Block No. A Lewa Kielma Str. No. 5 Ackerweg (ID: 36157)
Title (In English): Block Number A , Lewa Kielma Street Number 5 Ackerweg
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Ackerweg is the Nazi name for Lewa Kielma.
1192. Block No. B 11 Młynarska Str. No. 64 (ID: 39775)
Title (In English): Block Number B 11 Młynarska Street Number 64
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Mühlgasse is the Nazi name for Młynarska.
1193. Handwerker, die vorzeitig zu entlassen sind, um bei der Ostbahn angestellt zu werden. Baudiensthauptstelle 204 Opoczno (ID: 22434)
Title (In English): Craftsmen who are released early, inorder to be employed by the Eastern Railway. Construction Services Main Office 204 Opoczno
Creator: Baudienst im Generalgouvernement Kommandostelle II Construction Services in the General Government Command Post II
Baudienst was the labor battalion created in Nazi-occupied Poland (General Government).
1194. Handwerker, die vorzeitig zu entlassen sind, um bei der Ostbahn angestellt zu werden. Baudiensthauptstelle 208 Petrikau (ID: 22432)
Title (In English): Craftsmen who are released early, inorder to be employed by the Eastern Railway. Construction Services Main Office 208 Petrikau
Creator: Baudienst im Generalgouvernement Kommandostelle II Construction Services in the General Government Command Post II
Baudienst was the labor battalion created in Nazi-occupied Poland (General Government).
1195. SITUATIA NOMINALA a țiganilor periculoși mobilizabili domiciliați în raza Inspectoratului de Poliție Chișinău (ID: 46392)
Title (In English): Nominal Situation of dangerous Romani who are able to be mobilized, residing in the are of the Police Inspectorate of Chișinău
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1196. SITUATIE NOMINALA de țiagnii mobilizabili din raza orasului Bacău, intocmit inconformitate cu ordinul No. 17521 din 15 August 1942, al Inspectoratului Reg. de Politie Iași (ID: 46376)
Title (In English): Nominal situation of mmobilized Romani from the area of Bacău, compiled in accordance with order number 17521 of 15 August 1942, of the Regional Police Inspectorate of Iași
Creator: Politia orasului Bacău City Police of Bacău
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1197. Situatie nominala De tiganii condamnati recidivisti sau care nu au mijloace de existenta ori ocupatie precisă din care să trăiască in mod cinstit (ID: 46778)
Title (In English): Nominal situation of Romani convicts, recidivists, or lacking a means of existence or precise occupation from which to live honestly
Creator: Politia Orasului Vaslui City Police of Vaslui
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1198. TABEL - NOMINAL De țiganii careu au caziere, achitați sau condamnați din raza municipiului Galați, identificați până la data de 29 Septembrie 1942 (ID: 46464)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who have criminal records, acquitted or convicted from the area of Galați, identified until the date 29 September 1942
Creator: Chestura Politiei Municipiului Galați Galați Municipal Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1199. TABEL - NOMINAL De țiganii de pe teritoriul Legiunei Jand. Covurlui, muncitori cu ziua și cari cer să fie evacuați in Besarabia (ID: 45879)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani from the territory of the Gendarme Legion of Covurlui, day laborers who want to be evacuated to Besarabia
Creator: Legiunea Jandarmi Galați Gendarmes Legion Galați
Romanies--Nazi persecution
1200. TABEL NOMINAL de țiganii condamnați recidiviști sau cari n'au mijloace de existență sau ocupație precisă din care să trăiască in mod cinstit (ID: 46740)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani convicts, recidivists or those who have no means of existence or precise occupation from which to live honestly
Creator: Chestura Politiei Municipiului Timișoara Timișoara Municipal Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania