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Displaying 1,1511,175 of 2,321 matches for All Fields: nazis
1151. TABLOU De Țiganii domiciliați pe raza orașului Arad, condamnați, recidiviști sau cari nu au mijloace de existență sau ocupație precisă din care să trăiască in mod cinstit, și cari in prezent sunt concentrați sau mobilizați (ID: 46427)
Title (In English): Table of Romani who reside in Arad, convicts, recidivists, or those lacking a means of existence or precise occupation from which to live honestly, and who are currently concentrated or mobilized
Creator: Chestura Politiei Municipiului Arad Arad Municipal Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1152. TABLOU De Țiganii domiciliați pe raza orașului Arad, condamnați, recidiviști sau cari nu au mijloace de existență sau ocupație precisă din care să trăiască in mod cinstit, și cari in prezent sunt concentrați sau mobilizați (ID: 46743)
Title (In English): Table of Romani living in the area of the city of Arad who are convicts, recidivists or lacking a means of existence or precise occupation from which to live honestly, and who are currently concentrated or mobilized
Creator: Chestura Politiei Municipiului Arad Arad Municipal Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1153. TABLOU De țiganii stabili /nenomazi/, cari nu au ocupație precisă din care să trăiască, pentru a-și câștiga existența Zilnică-aflați pe raza Satului PECINISCA, pendinte de BAILE-HERCULANE, și cari n'au suferit condamnări (ID: 46751)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of stable Romani /non-nomadic/ who do not have a precise occupation from which to live, in order to earn their daily existence, from the area of the village Pecinisca, pending from Baile-Herculane, and who have not suffered condemnation
Creator: Detaşamentul de Poliție Băile Herculane Police Detachment Băile Herculane
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1154. TABLOU De țiganii stabili /nenomazi/, cari nu au ocupație precisă din care să trăiască, pentru a-si căștiga existența Zilnică-aflați pe raza Satului PECINISCA, pendinte de BAILE-HERCULANE, și cari n'au su ferit condamnări (ID: 46436)
Title (In English): Table of Romani who are stable (non-nomadic), who do not have a precise occupation from which to earn a living, to earn their daily existence -within the village Pecinișca, near Băile Herculane, and who have not been convicted
Creator: Detaşamentul de Poliție Băile Herculane Police Detachment Băile Herculane
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1155. Zabia Froschweg Str. Nr. 17a (ID: 38051)
Title (In English): Zabia Froschweg Street Number 17a
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Froschweg is the Nazi name for Zabia.
1156. Block No. Wawelska Sattlergasse Str. No. 17 (ID: 41325)
Title (In English): Block Number 63 A Wawelska Sattler Alley Street Number 17
The Nazis renamed the streets in Lodz. Sattlergasse is the Nazi name for Wawelska.
1157. (Piwna) Bier Str. Nr. 8 (ID: 36375)
Title (In English): (Piwna) Bier Street Number 8
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Bierstrasse is the Nazi name for Piwna.
1158. [Persons from the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42237)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei Staatspolizeistelle Regensburg Secret State Police State Police Station Regensburg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth.
1159. SITUATIE NOMINALA De țiganii fără ocupație și recidiviști de pe raza orașului Roman mobilizabili (ID: 46371)
Title (In English): Nominal Situation of Romani who are without occupation and are recidivists from the area of the city of Roman, who are able to be mobilized
Creator: Politia Orasului Roman City Police of Roman
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1160. TABEL - NOMINAL de țiganii care au cazier la această Poliție achitați sau condamnați (ID: 46466)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who have have criminal records with this Police station, acquitted or convicted
Creator: Politia de Residinta Râmnicu Sărat Râmnicu Sărat Residential Police
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1161. TABEL Cuprinzând țiganii nominal (cu membrii familiei numeric) cari cer repatrierea în țară arătând că au fost evacuați, contrar ordinilor (ID: 46153)
Title (In English): Table including name of Romani (and number of family members) who demand repatriation to the county showing they were evacuated, contrary to orders
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1162. Tabel De țiganii din Orăștie evacuași si trimiși in Transnistria (ID: 47417)
Title (In English): Table of Romani from Orăștie evacuated and sent to Transnistria
Creator: Comisariatul de Politie Orăștie Orăștie Police Station
Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1163. TABEL De țiganii prevăzuți în ordinul Nr. 200730 din 18 Octombrie 1943 al ministerului Afacerilor Interne pentru a fi evacuați în Transnistria și care nu s'au putut evacua pentru motivele arătate în dreptul fiecăruia după cum se constată din actele justificative alăturate pentru fiecare (ID: 47167)
Title (In English): Table of Romani provided in order number 200730 of 18 October 1943 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be evacuated to Transnistria and who could not evacuate themselves for the reasons provided for each of them, as is shown bu the accompanying documents for each
Creator: Politia Orasului Pitești City Police of Pitești
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1164. TABEL NOMINAL Cuprinzănd tiganii evacuati din Comuna Lespezi -raza legiunei Baia (ID: 45824)
Title (In English): Nominal Table including Romani evacuated from Lespezi -in the region of the Legion in Baia
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Iași Gendarme Inspectorate of Iași
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1165. TABEL-NOMINAL No 1 de țiganii nenomazi, depe teritoriul județului Hunedoara /rural/, nemobilizabili, ce au forst propuși pentru evacuare, și cai din motivele arătate in dreptul fie căruia nu au putut fi evauați la data de 15 Septembrie 1942, cu ocazia primului tranport. (ID: 45866)
Title (In English): Nominal Table number 1 of non-nomadic Romani from the territory if Hunedoara County (rural), non-mobilized, who have been proposed for evacuation, and reasons given on the right on why they could not be evacuated on September 15 1942 during the first evacuation.
Creator: Inspectoratul Jandarmi Alba Iulia Gendarme Inspectorate of Alba Iulia
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1166. TABLOU NOMINAL de țiganii car s'au evacuat in Transnistria, depe raza Poliției Orașului Caracal (ID: 46482)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani who were evacuated to Transnistria, from the area of the Caracal City Police
Creator: Politia Orasului Caracal City Police of Caracal
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1167. TABLOU NOMINAL de țiganii cari s'au evacuat in Transnistria, depe raza Poliției Orașului Caracal (ID: 46491)
Title (In English): Nominal Table of Romani evacuated to Transnistria, from the area of the Caracal City Police
Creator: Politia Orasului Caracal City Police of Caracal
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1168. [List of Romani sent to Transnistria] (ID: 47280)
Romanies--Nazi persecution ... Romanies--Nazi persecution--Romania
1169. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42247)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1170. [Persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis] (ID: 42252)
Creator: Geheime Staatspolizei. Staatspolizeileitstelle Reichenberg Secret State Police. State Police Control Center Reichenberg
List of persons whose property was confiscated by the Nazis. Includes name, date and place of birth
1171. A Block No. 29 Hanseatenstr (Łagiewnicka) Str. No. 19 (ID: 40059)
Title (In English): A Block Number 29 Hanseaten Street (Łagiewnicka) Street Number 19
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Hanseatenstrasse is the Nazi name for Łagiewnicka.
1172. Block No. A 68 Zielna Kräutergasse Str. No. 28 (ID: 39053)
Title (In English): Block Number A 68 Zielna Kräuter Alley Street Number 28
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Kelmstrasse is the Nazi name for Marynarska.
1173. Handwerker, die vorzeitig zu entlassen sind, um bei der Ostbahn angestellt zu werden. Baudiensthauptstelle 205 Kielce (ID: 22433)
Title (In English): Craftsmen who are released early, inorder to be employed by the Eastern Railway. Construction Services Main Office 205 Kielce
Creator: Baudienst im Generalgouvernement Kommandostelle II Construction Services in the General Government Command Post II
Baudienst was the labor battalion created in Nazi-occupied Poland (General Government).
1174. Schneider (Krawiecka) str. Nr. 16 (ID: 42167)
Title (In English): Schneider (Krawiecka) Street Number 16
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Schneidergasse is the Nazi name for Krawiecka.
1175. Schneider (Krawiecka) str. Nr. 18 (ID: 42168)
Title (In English): Schneider (Krawiecka) Street Number 18
The Nazis renamed the streets in Łódź. Schneidergasse is the Nazi name for Krawiecka.